"During the past decades, Europe and the United States have experienced record levels of immigration. No receiving country has been fully prepared for the consequences. GMF’s Immigration and Integration program seeks to enhance understanding, among policy- and decision-makers, opinion-leaders, media and civil society, of the challenges and opportunities that increased immigration poses for societies. Issues of concern include regular as well as undocumented migration, asylum policies and to a lesser degree remittances and transnationalism, human trafficking, humanitarian and refugee policies.
Post-9/11, immigration debates are increasingly linked to security concerns and foreign policy priorities. GMF sees its role to help create new networks between policy communities which in the past have been hesitant to cooperate. The terror attacks in the U.S. and in Europe have also led to an increased focus on Muslim immigrants and their integration into their host societies. Here, GMF strives to help shape the relationship between Islam and the West to improve integrating democratic Muslim communities.

Within the Immigration and Integration program, GMF realizes projects primarily through strategic partnerships, operational efforts and by grant-making to outside institutions. The program provides institutional support for comparative research and its dissemination on immigration and integration policies. To encourage exchanges on integration policies, GMF also supports policy research and exchanges between regions with large immigrant communities in the United States and in Europe."

Per maggiori informazioni:
The German Marshall Fund of the United States