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  1. #11


    In Origine Postato da alemaggia
    i gloriosi marines si compran le bambine dove prime se le compravan gli ufficiali di saddam.
    E così e pari e patta, eh?

  2. #12
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    Predefinito Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: blair sposta 650 soldati inglesi a bagdad

    In Origine Postato da multietnico
    adesso lo capisci?
    si ma capisci che se quelli alla mr hyde fanno tutto un calderone in un senso schiacciando come scarafaggi tutti i fallujani noi MAI dobbiam apparire nemmeno per caso conniventi con terroristi o clero islamista.

  3. #13
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    In Origine Postato da Totila
    E così e pari e patta, eh?

  4. #14
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    Predefinito Re: Re: Re: blair sposta 650 soldati inglesi a bagdad

    Si l'offensiva alla rovescia che porta da Falluja a Bagdad....Remember Saigon 1975.

    In Origine Postato da Mr. Hyde
    Gli Amici Inglesi danno manforte a Baghdad, in modo che gli Eroici Marines possano essere liberati per SCHIACCIARE COME BESTIE E SCARAFAGGI la FECCIA che e' tanto cara a Fallujah. Sta' per scattare l'Offensiva su Fallujah. E voi, stolti nazicomunisti senza speranza...vedrete come li staneranno...

  5. #15
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    Fallujah è odiata perche' quando in aprile i marines hanno cercato in tutti i modi di entrare in citta' dopo un mese di combattimenti sono stati risospinti con pesanti perdite a calci in culo oltre l'Eufrate.Fallujah è la loro Stalingrado.

  6. #16

    Predefinito Re: Re: Re: Re: blair sposta 650 soldati inglesi a bagdad

    19/10/2004 - 16:20
    Non è chiaro se ci sono vittime tra militari Usa

    Baghdad, 19 ott. (Ap) - Un'autobomba è esplosa oggi nel villaggio di al Falahat, circa 15 chilometri a ovest di Fallujah, investendo un convoglio militare Usa. Non è chiaro se ci siano vittime tra i militari americani; alcuni testimoni hanno riferito che la deflagrazione avrebbe distrutto tre mezzi Humvee.

    Da giorni le truppe americane e irachene hanno posto sotto assedio la città di Fallujah, roccaforte della guerriglia sunnita dove si ritiene abbiano il loro quartier generale il terrorista giordano Abu Musab al Zarqawi e i suoi seguaci del gruppo Tawhid al Jihad (Monoteismo e Jihad). Nei bombardamenti lanciati ieri contro la città sarebbero andati distrutti diversi depositi di armi e covi dell'organizzazione terroristica, stando a quanto riferito dal comando Usa.

    I raid aerei Usa sono stati lanciati poco dopo che il capo dei negoziatori di Fallujah, lo sceicco Khaled al Jumeili, ha escluso una ripresa in tempi rapidi dei negoziati di pace con il governo ad interim del premier Ayad Allawi. Il premier ha chiesto ai capitribù della città di consegnare al Zarqawi.

    copyright @ 2004 APCOM
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    Naturalmente il convoglio attaccato conterà solo un soldato ferito con una sbucciatura al ginocchio.

  7. #17
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    Predefinito sempre piu' mazzate sui marines...ahiahai

    Iraqi resistance moves in for the kill at Fallujah

    October 19, 2004 - The two battalions of the 1st Marine Expeditionary force began offensive operations at Falluja on October 15, immediately after the Baghdad bombings claimed by Tawhid wal Jihad in Fallujah. The puppet Iraqi government broke off negotiations with Fallujah representatives with an absurd ultimatum to deliver the fictional terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or face an all-out assault. The chief negotiator for Fallujah was then arrested to silence his protests to the media.

    Already at the outset, it was clear that the Marines were in deep trouble. The two battalions together numbered only 1,000 men in total, whereas each battalion should normally be 1,000 to 1,500 strong. The attrition and overstretch of US occupation forces was such that they could only deploy units at 50% to 33% of their normal strength for such a crucial engagment: Fallujah is the resistance's main base for launching attacks on Baghdad.

    The gravity of the occupation forces' predicament on the Euphrates front was revealed two days before this when the 3,000 troops deployed to dislodge the resistance choke-hold on the roads linking Baghdad to Anbar province in the West were forced to retreat. The units suffered heavy casualties (see: Bloody Battles, High Casualties In Iraq Go Unreported In Mainstream Press: ... ) without having been able to locate the enemy, let alone to engage him (see: Scouring Iraq for Enemies, Finding Farmers and Mud: ). This defeat had immediate effects, such as the mutiny of a supply platoon that was ordered to make a suicidal run through the resistance stronghold at al-Latifiyah without an armed escort, since none was available. Immediately after this incident, nine Iraqi policemen were killed when passing through al-Latifiyah on their way from Jordan, where they had been taken for training in safety.

    Thus, the resistance was choking off Baghdad from the west and perhaps even from the north, since the mutinying supply platoon was based in the south, whereas the convoy's destination was Taji airbase just north of Baghdad, which is nearer to the main US support base at Balad. However, the logistics supply area at Balad called Anaconda is also under constant attack, with no protective force available for perimeter defense ( ... ).

    Unable to move between their fortified bases without suffering casualties and their supply lines cut off, the occupation played the only two cards left in its hand: Terror-bombing and information management. Terror-bombing with cluster weapons was seen at Hit, half-way along the Euphrates front, when occupation forces tried to break the resistance's Ramadan offensive by turning the civilian victims of terror bombing against the resistance fighters, as they succeeded in doing in Najaf. Th terror attacks failed to stem the Iraqi offensive.

    The only victory that the occupation scored was in information management. The Ramadan offensive launched by the Iraqi Baath leadership based in Syria, whose forces call themselves the Iraqi National Islamic Resistance and the1920 Revolution Brigades ( ... ). However, the occupation spin doctors disseminated that it was the US forces that had launched a pre-emptive Ramadan offensive. The US units fighting for their lives in al-Qaim and Hit were portrayed as carrying out bold offensive operations, just as the last-ditch effort to hold the Euphrates front at Fallujah is portrayed as a "siege" of the city in preparation for a final assault.

    However, the lack of any images of US troops triumphantly occupying ruined cities like those we saw of Najaf belies the official spin. Even the spin was scaled back as the "air and ground assault" was relabeled as "Marines surround the city" which was then downgraded to a "dynamic cordon," which in turn was "loosened" - apparently so that hundreds of resistance fighters could enter the city to break their Ramadan fast, as this October 18 story indicates:

    Fighting escalates in Fallujah as insurgents arrive for battle

    By The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times

    BAGHDAD — U.S. warplanes and tanks pummeled Fallujah yesterday as intense battles raged on the outskirts of the insurgent-held city.

    The escalation of fighting in and around Fallujah came as hundreds of insurgents arrived from other cities for a long-anticipated offensive by U.S. forces, according to witnesses who said the city was nearly empty except for the insurgents.

    The U.S. military has said its campaign in Fallujah is aimed at eradicating the network of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who has taken responsibility for car bombings, kidnappings and beheadings.

    In an allusion to Fallujah, Iraq's national-security adviser, Qassem Dawoud, warned that the use of Iraqi cities as safe havens for terrorists was "something the government cannot accept or tolerate."

    Representatives of the insurgents suspended negotiations with the government last week, saying the demand to turn over al-Zarqawi was unreasonable because he was not in Fallujah. Although some representatives have indicated they were open to further talks, the violence continued.

    Marines engaged in a nine-hour firefight with insurgents outside Fallujah. Witnesses reported that as many as 50 U.S. tanks and armored vehicles took part in the battle.

    As that fighting raged, American forces called in several warplanes, and more than 10 suspected insurgent positions were bombed inside the city, the U.S. military said. Troops briefly entered the outskirts of the rebel stronghold before withdrawing.

    No casualty figures were provided by the U.S. military. A doctor at the Fallujah hospital said three Iraqis were killed in the fighting. Witnesses reported that U.S. forces fired on a vehicle carrying a family fleeing the fighting, killing all five passengers.

    Iraq's interim government renewed its call for Fallujah to surrender al-Zarqawi and others.

    "We call upon the sons and tribes of Fallujah to immediately expel foreign terrorists and evacuate all the city's neighborhoods from these murderers and their criminal supporters who want to hamper plans of reconstructing Iraq," said Dawoud, the national-security adviser.

    The city's clerics have offered to resume peace talks if the Americans stop their attacks. "We are still ready to go back to the talks and open new channels of dialogue," said negotiator Abdul Hamid Jadou. But he said interim Iraq Prime Minister Ayad Allawi is "responsible for each drop of blood being spilled in Fallujah."

    Today, Fallujah's chief negotiator, Sheik Khaled al-Jumeili, was released from U.S. custody under Allawi's orders, according to the Iraqi Interior Ministry. The cleric had been arrested Friday near Fallujah after talks with the government broke down.

    ( ... )

    What is clear from this story is that in 9 hours of fighting with all the tanks and the bombs, only 3 Iraqis were killed. The Marines attempted to break out but were pushed back. The Fallujah negotiator was released, indicating that the occupation was losing its nerve and asking for a deal. And last but not least, hundreds of fighters came to reinforce Fallujah, but no reinforcements arrived to save the Marines.

    The Associated Press reported on October 18:

    Throughout the day, the crackle of automatic weapons fire and the thud of artillery echoed across Fallujah, 40 miles west of Baghdad, as fighting between American troops and insurgents raged on the eastern and southern edges of the city, witnesses said.

    Clashes blocked the main road leading to Baghdad, and plumes of smoke rose above the flat-roofed houses in the city's Askari and Shuhada neighborhoods in eastern and southern Fallujah.

    Witnesses said a Humvee was seen burning in the eastern edge of the city, and hospital officials reported three civilians were killed. The U.S. military reported no casualties.

    ( ... )

    Conclusion: The Marines are still stuck outside the city on the road to
    Baghdad and unable to cut off the partisan units entering the city from the West. They are also unable to carry the fight to the enemy holed up in the city while smoke is rising from their positions, otensibly from burning vehicles.

    So far so good. ...

  8. #18
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    Predefinito marines morti a destra e a manca

    Un fare elqouente da un articolo su Associated Press:

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    Oct 19, 29 AM EDT

    Marines Vent Frustration in Western Iraq

    Associated Press Writer

    QAIM, Iraq (AP) -- The sound of the Black Hawk medical helicopter is an ominous sign for the Marines patrolling this forgotten western corner of Iraq that borders Syria. It means that one of them is seriously wounded or killed by their elusive enemy.

    The sound of roaring engine, shattering evening calm, gets immediately followed up with a quick whisper among the troops, trying to find out who it was - this time.

    At this Marine base, at the far west of the restless Anbar province only miles from the Syrian border, the news spreads quickly.

    "We are losing guys left and right," says Cpl. Cody King, 20, of Phoenix, not hiding his anger. "All we are doing around here is getting blown up."

  9. #19
    Hanno assassinato Calipari
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    Predefinito Re: Re: Re: blair sposta 650 soldati inglesi a bagdad

    In Origine Postato da Mr. Hyde
    Gli Amici Inglesi danno manforte a Baghdad, in modo che gli Eroici Marines possano essere liberati

  10. #20
    Hanno assassinato Calipari
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    Predefinito Re: Re: Re: Re: blair sposta 650 soldati inglesi a bagdad

    In Origine Postato da Totila
    Sinceramente questo post fa rabbrividire.
    Vorrei chiedere a Mr Hyde, cosa hanno fatto a lui, PERSONALMENTE, gli abitanti di Falluja.
    Questo odio gratuito verso dei poveri civili è osceno.

    (anche per i Ceceni, però )


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