come trattano i propri cittadini gli USA? Leggete il racconto di un americano travolto dall' onda a phuket.

My town is gone. There are probably 2% of the original buildings in a recognizable form. I am very lucky to even be making my way home. The U.S. goverment offered me a phone call, a toothbrush, a paperback book and a temporary passport. No hotel, no food, no flight home. I was told that I could take out a loan if I could list three people who would vouch for me at home. The process would only take a few days. I was alone, injured (superficially - but I sure did look bad), no possesions, no money and my government offered my a book.


se sei americano e ti presenti all' ambasciata ferito e senza nulla, ti offrono un libro, una chiamata telefonica e uno spazzolino da denti.

I soldi per il volo te li PRESTANO se TRE persone negli US si assumono la responsabilita' di ripagarli.

che simpatici..