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    Predefinito Ebrei ortodossi contro Israele

    Ebrei ortodossi invitano a smantellare
    lo stato di Israele

    Discorso proclamato dal Rabbino Dovid Weiss in Freedom Plaza, Washington DC, in occasione della manifestazione contro la visita del Primo Ministro Ariel Sharon alla Casa Bianca, giovedì 7 febbraio 2002.

    Comunicato di Neturei Karta – Washington DC
    6 febbraio 2002

    Il Rabbino Yisroel Dovid Weiss, portavoce di Neturei Karta International, un movimento di portata mondiale di ebrei antisionisti, ha annunciato che una delegazione di rabbini si unirà alla Coalizione di Organizzazioni Arabo-Americane e Musulmane” per protestare contro lo Stato Sionista.

    “E’ ora che il popolo ebreo comprenda ciò che i nostri saggi e la maggior parte degli ebrei, agli esordi del sionismo poco più di un secolo fa, già sapevano e cioè, che il sionismo costituisce un grande pericolo per il popolo ebreo.

    Non è forse stato versato abbastanza sangue, sangue ebreo e palestinese ? non è forse arrivato il momento di rivedere l’intera impresa sionista ?”

    Il Rabbino Weiss fa notare che il messaggio che il suo gruppo porterà a Washington ed ai palestinesi riuniti lì, è il messaggio contenuto nel Talmud che vieta la Terra Santa agli ebrei, finché i loro peccati non siano stati espiati in esilio. La violazione dei termini dell’esilio ebreo ha causato molta sofferenza a tutte le parti in causa nel Medio Oriente. “E’ ora di smantellare lo stato di Israele. Esso costituisce un’onta per il popolo ebreo. A tutta l’umanità viene detto dagli esponenti di questo stato che Israele rappresenta gli ebrei. Quest’affermazione è insensata. Gli eretici non possono rappresentare il popolo della Torah. Coloro che si sono resi colpevoli di gravissime crudeltà nei confronti dei palestinesi non possono rappresentare un popolo misericordioso.

    Il compito del popolo ebreo è di dedicarsi alla Torah ed al servizio di Dio. Siamo chiamati dal nostro Creatore ad essere leali ai paesi del nostro esilio ed a comportarci in buona fede con tutti gli uomini. Il sionismo è una deviazione di proporzioni nefaste che trascina le sue vittime in conflitti infiniti con altri popoli.

    Oggi ci siamo riuniti con il popolo palestinese per manifestare la nostra simpatia per le sue sofferenze. La presenza del Primo Ministro Sharon a Washington è un affronto per gli ebrei credenti e per i palestinesi sofferenti.

    Che ci sia accordata la grazia di vivere il giorno che lo stato di Israele sarà giunto alla sua fine ed i palestinesi saranno liberati dalle loro sofferenze. E gli ebrei erranti torneranno ad unirsi ai loro fratelli nel vero servizio a Dio. Il giorno in cui tutte le nazioni riconosceranno l’Unico Dio, quindi noi tutti ci metteremo al Suo servizio in pace. Amen”

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    visto che la mettiamo così....

    Arabs and Moslems who support the State of Israel
    and the cause of Peace in the Middle East


    We are praying for Prime Minister Sharon.


    To Muslims and Arabs across the globe:

    Reject hate, embrace love. Bring out the best in Islam by showing your compassion, gratitude and forgiveness. Make the holy land truly holy by giving Israel and the Jewish people the respect they deserve in their tiny little country. This is not a crisis over land. It is a crisis of the soul; a crisis in our faith, judgement and self confidence. Israel should not be regarded as an enemy, but as a blessing to our neighborhood. We need not fear peace, but embrace it.



    Visit the most active page!: E-Mails from Arabs in Support of Israel
    Read Nonie Darwish's articles at
    The Silent Muslim Majority is the problem
    Inside the Forbidden Country
    Israelis want peace
    Will Palestinians Reject Arab Meddling? By Nonie Darwish.
    More Arabic Language Articles: 'No, Israel is not our first enemy'.
    لا ليست إسرائيل عدونا الأول
    Ali Salem: The renowned Egyptian playwright who never tires of supporting Israel
    Shoaib Choudury Released from prison in Bangladesh!
    Scroll down this page for news on the Saudi 'Anti-Terrorism' Conference
    Articles by Tarek Hamid (Also scroll to the bottom of this Home page for 'Israel in the Quran')
    Featured Article: The Culture of Peace in Egyptian Literature and Cinema, by Mona Gamal El-Dine
    Article en Français: La Culture de la Paix dans la litérature et le cinéma en Égypte, de Mona Gamal El-Dine


    Who Are We?

    We are Arabs and Moslems who believe…

    We can support Israel and still support the Palestinian people. Supporting one does not cancel support for the other.
    We can support the State of Israel and the Jewish religion and still treasure our Arab and Islamic culture.
    There are many Jews and Israelis who freely express compassion and support for the Palestinians. It is time that we Arabs express reciprocal compassion and support.
    The existence of the State of Israel is a fact that should be accepted by the Arab world.
    Israel is a legitimate state that is not a threat but an asset in the Middle East.
    Every major World religion has a center of gravity. Islam has Mecca, and Judaism certainly deserves its presence in Israel and Jerusalem.
    Diversity should not be a virtue only in the USA, but should be encouraged around the world. We support a diverse Middle East with protection for human rights, respect and equality under the law to all minorities including Jews and Christians.
    Palestinians have several options but are deprived from exercising them because of their leadership, the Arab League and surrounding Arab and Moslem countries who do not want to see Palestinians live in harmony with Israel.
    If Palestinians want democracy they can start practicing it now.
    We stand firmly against suicide/homicide terrorism as a form of Jihad.
    We are appalled by the horrific act of terror against the USA on 9/11/2001.
    Arab media should end the incitement and misinformation that result in Arab street rage and violence.
    We are eager to see major reformation in how Islam is taught and channeled to bring out the best in Moslems and contribute to the uplifting of the human spirit and advancement of civilization.
    We believe in freedom to choose or change one’s Religion.
    We cherish and acknowledge the beauty and contributions of the Middle East culture, but recognize that the Arab/Moslem world is in desperate need of constructive self-criticism and reform.
    We are NOT:

    Anti-Islam, Anti-Arab, confrontational or hateful.
    We remember with deep sadness and respect the brave Arabs, known and unknown, who were killed or severely punished for promoting peace with Israel; a special thanks to President Anwar Sadat of Egypt who was killed at the hands of Militant and Radical Islamists after he signed the peace treaty with Israel.

    We salute and commend Arab and Moslem writers, scholars and speakers, who found the strength, commitment and honesty in their hearts to speak out in support of Israel. We thank you for being the pioneers that you are and for holding such sophisticated and advanced views in the realm of Arab and Moslem thinking. You are inspiring us all.



    News and Comment:

    Coptic Pope breaks down in tears

    There have been several attacks on Christian Copts by Muslims in Egypt. They have threatened the life of the Egyptian Pope and stabbed a nun in Alexandria. The situation is getting very bad for Egyptian Christians. Many Egyptian Christians are changing their Christian names to avoid being recognized as Christians so they can be left alone. The terror is not just on Jews or Israel. Look at the oppression of the Egyptian Copts! Please see the video and even though the words are in Arabic you will understand the language of oppression.

    Saudi Arabia hosts Anti-terrorism Conference

    Recently Saudi Arabia hosted a conference on how to fight first comment was that it reminded me about "the AIDS virus that hosted a conference about fighting AIDS" ......... The conference just confirmed my view as follows:
    1- Saudi Arabia refused that Israel is represented in this conference (while it is the country that suffered the most from the Saudi financed IslamicTerrorism!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    2- The Saudi concluded that Bin Laden himself is supported by the Jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so Islam in their view is very innocent and is unrelated to terrorism!!!!! in other words, instead of blaming themselves for teaching the hatred and the evil that creates people like BinLaden, they blame Israel (as usual) for the bad thing they created.

    3- They asked at the end of the conference that the world should not correlate terrorism to any religion......what is funny here is that they just correlated it to the Jews (see 2-) ..... obviously avoiding linking terrorism to any religion isto protect themselves and Islam from any critique!

    Egypt issues Synagogue Postage Stamp

    Hard to believe but the Egyptian governement has issued a postage stamp of the Ben Ezra synagogue in Cairo. It would appear that the political climate is getting calmer in the Middle East.


    A spirit of Tolerance…
    This is a plea to all the good and wise Muslims and their religious leaders and Imams around the World to bring out the best in Islam and start a reformation movement and the re-interpretation of the Koran in the spirit of tolerance and acceptance of our cousins the Jewish people and their rights to their land of Israel.
    As all Arab children (I was born and raised as a Muslim) our education never included the obvious honoring of the Koran to the children of Israel. The Koran is filled with such Suras supporting Israel. It is our choice to bring out the goodness in the Koran through our behavior as Muslims towards our cousins the Jewish people. We need to extend our hand to Israel in peace. They are desperate for peace. The world is waiting to see the Arab well known generosity through our courage to overcome our fears. Israel’s hand has been extended towards us for a long time. Let us not ignore it any longer. God’s blessings will cover the whole Middle East area and will bless our children when we stop the hate and start a new era of cooperation and friendship…..
    Nonie Darwish


    For speaking engagement bookings, contact:


    Links to other sites of interest

    Gerald A. Honigman: Commentary, observations and opinions on the Middle East:

    The Egypt Blog

    Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa:

    One Jerusalem - Blogging life in Israel:

    Concerned Voices Speak out for a Safe Israel (

    Fuel For Truth

    Stand With Us

    Interfaith Encounter Association


    Israel in the Quran

    2:47 Children of Israel! call to mind the favour which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all other nations. 2:122 O Children of Israel! call to mind the favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all other nations.

    7:137 And We made the children of Israel, who were considered weak (and of no account), inheritors of lands in both east and west, - lands whereon We sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We leveled to the ground the great works and fine
    buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride). 17:104 And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land of promise":
    10:93 We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them.

    20:80 O ye Children of Israel! We delivered you from your enemy, and We made a Covenant with you to give you the right side (the blessed side) of Mount Sinai, and We sent down to you Manna (special food) and quails.

    269 Thus it was, but We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things (the promised land)

    45:16 We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book the Power of Command, and Prophet hood; We gave them, for Sustenance, things good and pure; and We favored them above all other nations.

    44: 32 And We have chosen them (the Children of Israel) above the 'Alamîn (mankind, and jinns) and our choice was based on a deep knowledge.

    32.23] And certainly We gave the Book to Moses, so be not in doubt concerning the receiving of it, and We made it a guide for the children of Israel.
    [32.24] And We made of them Guiding Lights and leaders to guide by Our command as they were patient, and they were certain of Our communications.

    [17:104] And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, “ scatter and live all over the world…and when the end of the world is near we will gather you again into the Promised Land”.

    (Comment : This last verse proves that the Quran is declaring that it is the will of G-d himself to gather the children of Israel again in their promised land before the end days. Accordingly, No Muslim has the right to interfere with gathering the Jews in Israel again as this is the will of G-d himself. In addition, Honest analysis of the Quranic verses above leads to the conclusion that the West Bank and Gaza are better called the “occupied” Israeli land.

    Tarek Hamid

  3. #3
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    I Like USA
    ecco dimostrato che i musulmani sono nemici di TUTTO l'Occidente

  4. #4
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Red Shadow
    I Like USA
    e perchè, non è la verità?

  5. #5


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da IlikeUSA
    e perchè, non è la verità?
    Hai lo stomaco di sparare ad una bambina di 9 anni? Terrorista? Vuoi che ti riporto i particolari?

  6. #6
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da bluedanube
    Hai lo stomaco di sparare ad una bambina di 9 anni? Terrorista? Vuoi che ti riporto i particolari?
    ma de che cazzo stai a parlà?

  7. #7
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    Like, quello che ha scritto un messaggio è un rabbino ebreo e quindi la sua parola vale più della tua che sei un goym noachide.
    La famosa artista idolo delle folle :" si figuri che uno ha addirittura scritto che avrei dovuto investire i MIEI soldi comprando un bar! Io!!!! La barista!!!!"

  8. #8


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da IlikeUSA
    ma de che cazzo stai a parlà?

    Oltre a farneticare non ti riesce nemmeno di essere civile? Guarda che sul forum non ci stano i pusher che frequenti.

    Israel's shooting of young girl highlights international hypocrisy, say Palestinians
    Chris McGreal in Khan Yunis
    Monday January 30, 2006

    As the votes were counted in the Palestinian election and the scale of Hamas's landslide became apparent to the world, Aya al-Astal drifted away from her home and wandered towards the fence along the border between the Gaza strip and Israel.

    The nine-year-old girl's parents realised she was gone as they watched the election results on television. They do not know precisely what happened, but the Israeli army later said Aya was behaving in a suspicious manner reminiscent of a terrorist - she got too close to the border fence - and so a soldier fired several bullets into the child, hitting her in the neck and blowing open her stomach.
    The Guardian

  9. #9


    Orthodox Jewish Response to the criticism of the Iranian President

    The Orthodox Jewish response to the criticism of the Iranian President
    (statement for Al Q'uds Day)

    28 October 2005
    With the help of the Almighty.

    Orthodox Jews the world over, are saddened by the hysteria which has greeted the recent stated desire of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to see a world free of Zionism. This desire is nothing more than a yearning for a better, more peaceful world. It is a hope that with the elimination of Zionism, Jews and Muslims will live in harmony as they have throughout the ages, in Palestine and throughout the world.

    It is a dangerous distortion, to see the President’s words, as indicative of anti-Jewish sentiments. The President was simply re-stating the beliefs and statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, who always emphasized and practiced the respect and protection of Jews and Judaism. The political ideology of Zionism alone was rejected. President Ahmadinejad stressed this distinction by referring only to Zionism, not Judaism or the Jewish people, regardless of whether they reside in Palestine or else were.

    We concur!!… Orthodox Jews have always prayed and till today, continually pray for the speedy and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist state. As per the teachings of the Torah, the Jewish law, the Jewish people are required to be loyal, upstanding citizens, in all of the countries where-in they reside. They are expressly forbidden to have their own entity or state in any form or configuration, in this Heavenly decreed exile. Furthermore, the exemplification of one-self, with acts of compassion and goodness, is of the essence of Judaism. To subjugate and oppress a people, to steal their land, homes and orchards etc. is of the cardinal sins, of the basics crimes, forbidden by the Torah.

    We have long stood together with the suffering Palestinian people in their struggle for self determination and respect. Based on our religious teachings, we believe it is impossible that any lasting peace can be achieved, for so long as the state of Israel exists. It is towards this goal of true reconciliation that religious Jews strive; via Palestinian statehood, so that we can once again reside in harmony and brotherhood.

    May we merit to see the fruition of our prayers. Ultimately we pray for the day when all mankind will recognize the One G-g and serve Him in harmony. May this come upon us in the near future. Amen.
    Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
    Neturei Karta International
    Jews United Against Zionism

    Copyright 2005, Neturei Karta International

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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da bluedanube
    Hai lo stomaco di sparare ad una bambina di 9 anni? Terrorista? Vuoi che ti riporto i particolari?
    i terroristi palestinesi fanno portare l'esplosivo anche ai bambini
    se i soldati IDF le hanno sparato dovevano avere i loro motivi, si vede che non si era fermata all'alt


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