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  1. #11
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da bluedanube

    Una stretta alleanza con Saddam Hussein ha guadagnato a questo movimento - responsabile di terrificanti attentati contro civili in Iran - un posto sulla lista nera americana di organizzazioni terroriste; ma curiosamente il suo "Consiglio Nazionale della Resistenza Iraniana" ha sede oggi negli Stati Uniti, dove il suo principale referente è un organismo neocon che si chiama Iran Policy Committee, costituito da persone che provengono dall'esercito, dalla CIA, dalla Casa Bianca, dalla wvc3 Inc. (una società che si vanta di occuparsi di spionaggio industriale e di rapimenti di nemici del governo americano), da imprese con contratti militari e da vari think tank, che ritengono che sia fondamentale sovvertire l'Iran dall'interno.

    Un progetto che ha già preso forma concreta nell'Iran Freedom Support Act votato lo scorso 27 aprile dalla camera dei rappresentanti statunitensi, che autorizza il presidente degli Stati Uniti a "fornire assistenza finanziaria e politica a individui, organizzazioni ed enti, stranieri e americani, che sostengono la democrazia e la promozione della democrazia in Iran": Bush si è già impegnato a versare 75 milioni di dollari a simili organizzazioni.

    E' interessante notare che la legge è stata promossa ufficialmente dalla lobby israeliana, l'AIPAC, che sul proprio sito invita i sostenitori a ringraziare i deputati che l'hanno votata, e a fare pressioni sui senatori che devono ancora approvarla. A quanto pare, gli unici che non hanno paura di parlare delle attività guerrafondaie della lobby israeliana sono quelli dell'AIPAC, che si autodefiniscono "the most important organization affecting America's relationship with Israel".

    Nota [1] La traduzione che meglio rende l'idea è, "Combattenti del Popolo", ma è divertente notare che il nome di questo gruppo di alleati dell'Occidente si può tradurre più letteralmente, "Combattenti della Guerra Santa delle Creature di Dio".
    Insomma nella pratica è sempre colpa dei Giudei, ma senza questi alleati come farebbe l'Iran ha giustificare le proprie reopressioni, è una domanda alla quale il demente Miguel Marinez alias kelebekr non ha mai risposto, eppure è del valore inestimabile

  2. #12

    Predefinito MEMRI: The Middle East Media Research Institute

    Hanno detto di MEMRI:
    "...l'eccellente Middle East Media Research Institute"
    James Woolsey (ex direttore della CIA)



  3. #13
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da bluedanube
    Hanno detto di MEMRI:
    "...l'eccellente Middle East Media Research Institute"
    James Woolsey (ex direttore della CIA)


    Interessanti le dichiarazioni riportate nell'articolo, il sito si preoccupa di diffondere le peggiori citazioni del mondo musulmano, ma guarda un po' è colpa di memri se i leader arabi e qualche giornalista filoterrorista fanno queste dichiarazioni

  4. #14
    Saloth Sâr


    Il comandante delle guardie della rivoluzione islalmica: Iran resiste con tutte le forze dinnanzi al nemico

    IRIB - "I'lran resisterà con tutte le forze dinnanzi ai nemici dell'Islam", ad affermarlo e' stato ieri il comandante delle guardie della Rivoluzione Islamica, Yahya Rahim Safavi. Parlando nella cerimonia per la commemorazione di 300 conquistatori ignoti di Khorramshahr, Safavi ha precisato: "I nemici di questa regione non sono in grado di fare niente, e qualora commettessero un piccolo errore, gli 11 milioni Basiji iraniani e la forza militare iraniana, sostenuti dal popolo coraggioso, gli darebbero una forte risposta".

    "La Rivoluzione Islamica e' basata sulle forza di 70 milioni di iraniani coraggiosi, grazie ai quali l'Iran islamico e' il paese piu' sicuro nella regione", ha aggiuto il comandante.

    (Radio Teheran)

  5. #15


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da tigermen
    Insomma nella pratica è sempre colpa dei Giudei, ma senza questi alleati come farebbe l'Iran ha giustificare le proprie reopressioni, è una domanda alla quale il demente Miguel Marinez alias kelebekr non ha mai risposto, eppure è del valore inestimabile
    Colpa …ma che razza di criterio usi? Che linguaggio …
    La AIPAC si da parecchio da fare … oppure NO?

  6. #16
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da bluedanube
    Colpa …ma che razza di criterio usi? Che linguaggio …
    La AIPAC si da parecchio da fare … oppure NO?
    L'iran è alleato dei Sionisti oramai, li usa per giustificare le proprie repressioni contro le minoranze etniche; in questo modo però ci vanno di mezzo anche i Cristiani

  7. #17
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    x BlueDanube e il resto dei neofascisti, Lobby Islamica

    CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment
    by Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha
    Middle East Quarterly
    Spring 2006

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), headquartered in Washington, is perhaps the best-known and most controversial Muslim organization in North America. CAIR presents itself as an advocate for Muslims' civil rights and the spokesman for American Muslims. "We are similar to a Muslim NAACP," says its communications director, Ibrahim Hooper.[1] Its official mission—"to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding"—suggests nothing problematic.

    Starting with a single office in 1994, CAIR now claims thirty-one affiliates, including a branch in Canada, with more steadily being added. In addition to its grand national headquarters in Washington, it has impressive offices in other cities; the New York office, for example, is housed in the 19-story Interchurch Center located on Manhattan's Riverside Drive.

    But there is another side to CAIR that has alarmed many people in positions to know. The Department of Homeland Security refuses to deal with it. Senator Charles Schumer (Democrat, New York) describes it as an organization "which we know has ties to terrorism."[2] Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat, Illinois) observes that CAIR is "unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect." Steven Pomerantz, the FBI's former chief of counterterrorism, notes that "CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups." The family of John P. O'Neill, Sr., the former FBI counterterrorism chief who perished at the World Trade Center, named CAIR in a lawsuit as having "been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism" responsible for the September 11 atrocities. Counterterrorism expert Steven Emerson calls it "a radical fundamentalist front group for Hamas."[3]

    Of particular note are the American Muslims who reject CAIR's claim to speak on their behalf. The late Seifeldin Ashmawy, publisher of the New Jersey-based Voice of Peace , called CAIR the champion of "extremists whose views do not represent Islam."[4] Jamal Hasan of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance explains that CAIR's goal is to spread "Islamic hegemony the world over by hook or by crook."[5] Kamal Nawash, head of Free Muslims Against Terrorism, finds that CAIR and similar groups condemn terrorism on the surface while endorsing an ideology that helps foster extremism, adding that "almost all of their members are theocratic Muslims who reject secularism and want to establish Islamic states." Tashbih Sayyed of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance calls CAIR "the most accomplished fifth column" in the United States. And Stephen Schwartz of the Center on Islamic Pluralism writes that "CAIR should be considered a foreign-based subversive organization, comparable in the Islamist field to the Soviet-controlled Communist Party, USA."

    CAIR, for its part, dismisses all criticism, blaming negative comments on "Muslim bashers" who "can never point to something CAIR has done in its 10-year history that is objectionable." Actually, there is much about the organization's history that is objectionable—and it is readily apparent to anyone who bothers to look.

    Part of the Establishment
    When President George W. Bush visited the Islamic Center of Washington several days after September 11, 2001, to signal that he would not tolerate a backlash against Muslims, he invited CAIR's executive director, Nihad Awad, to join him at the podium. Two months later, when Secretary of State Colin Powell hosted a Ramadan dinner, he, too, called upon CAIR as representative of Islam in America. More broadly, when the State Department seeks out Muslims to welcome foreign dignitaries, journalists, and academics, it calls upon CAIR. The organization has represented American Muslims before Congress. The National Aeronautics and Space Agency hosted CAIR's "Sensitivity and Diversity Workshop" in an effort to harmonize space research with Muslim sensibilities.

    Law-enforcement agencies in Florida, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, New York, Arizona, California, Missouri, Texas, and Kentucky have attended CAIR's sensitivity-training sessions. The organization boasts such tight relations with law enforcement that it claims to have even been invited to monitor police raids. In July 2004, as agents from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, and Homeland Security descended on the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, a Saudi-created school in Merrifield, Virginia, a local paper reported that the FBI had informed CAIR's legal director, Arsalan Iftikhar, that morning that the raid was going to take place.

    CAIR is also a media darling. It claims to log five thousand annual mentions on newspapers, television, and radio, including some of the most prestigious media in the United States. The press dutifully quotes CAIR's statistics, publishes its theological views, reports its opinions, rehashes its press releases, invites its staff on television, and generally dignifies its existence as a routine part of the American and Canadian political scenes.

    CAIR regularly participates in seminars on Islamic cultural issues for corporations and has been invited to speak at many of America's leading universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Columbia. American high schools have invited CAIR to promote its agenda, as have educationally-minded senior citizens.

    Terrorists in Its Midst
    Perhaps the most obvious problem with CAIR is the fact that at least five of its employees and board members have been arrested, convicted, deported, or otherwise linked to terrorism-related charges and activities.

    Randall ("Ismail") Royer , an American convert to Islam, served as CAIR's communications specialist and civil rights coordinator; today he sits in jail on terrorism-related charges. In June 2003, Royer and ten other young men, ages 23 to 35, known as the "Virginia jihad group," were indicted on forty-one counts of "conspiracy to train for and participate in a violent jihad overseas." The defendants, nine of them U.S. citizens, were accused of association with Lashkar-e-Taiba, a radical Islamic group designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State in 2001. They were also accused of meeting covertly in private homes and at the Islamic Center in Falls Church to prepare themselves for battle by listening to lectures and watching videotapes. As the prosecutor noted, "Ten miles from Capitol Hill in the streets of northern Virginia, American citizens allegedly met, plotted, and recruited for violent jihad." According to Matthew Epstein of the Investigative Project, Royer helped recruit the others to the jihad effort while he was working for CAIR. The group trained at firing ranges in Virginia and Pennsylvania; in addition, it practiced "small-unit military tactics" at a paintball war-games facility in Virginia, earning it the moniker, the "paintball jihadis." Eventually members of the group traveled to Pakistan.

    Five of the men indicted, including CAIR's Royer, were found to have had in their possession, according to the indictment, "AK-47-style rifles, telescopic lenses, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and tracer rounds, documents on undertaking jihad and martyrdom, [and] a copy of the terrorist handbook containing instructions on how to manufacture and use explosives and chemicals as weapons."[6]

    After four of the eleven defendants pleaded guilty, the remaining seven, including Royer, were accused in a new, 32-count indictment of yet more serious charges: conspiring to help Al-Qaeda and the Taliban battle American troops in Afghanistan. Royer admitted in his grand jury testimony that he had already waged jihad in Bosnia under a commander acting on orders from Osama bin Laden. Prosecutors also presented evidence that his father, Ramon Royer, had rented a room in his St. Louis-area home in 2000 to Ziyad Khaleel, the student who purchased the satellite phone used by Al-Qaeda in planning the two U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa in August 1998. Royer eventually pleaded guilty to lesser firearms-related charges, and the former CAIR staffer was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

    A coda to the "Virginia jihad network" came in 2005 when a Federal court convicted another Virginia man, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, of plotting to kill President Bush. Prosecutors alleged that Abu Ali participated in the Virginia jihad network's paintball games and perhaps supplied one of his fellow jihadists with an assault rifle. Royer's possible role in Abu Ali's plans are unclear.

    Ghassan Elashi , the founder of CAIR's Texas chapter, has a long history of funding terrorism. First, he was convicted in July 2004, with his four brothers, of having illegally shipped computers from their Dallas-area business, InfoCom Corporation, to two designated state-sponsors of terrorism, Libya and Syria. Second, he and two brothers were convicted in April 2005 of knowingly doing business with Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas leader, whom the U.S. State Department had in 1995 declared a "specially designated terrorist." Elashi was convicted of all twenty-one counts with which he was charged, including conspiracy, money laundering, and dealing in the property of a designated terrorist. Third, he was charged in July 2004 with providing more than $12.4 million to Hamas while he was running the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, America's largest Islamic charity. When the U.S. government shuttered Holy Land Foundation in late 2001, CAIR characterized this move as "unjust" and "disturbing."

    Bassem Khafagi , an Egyptian native and CAIR's onetime community relations director, pleaded guilty in September 2003 to lying on his visa application and passing bad checks for substantial amounts in early 2001, for which he was deported. CAIR claimed Khafagi was hired only after he had committed his crimes and that the organization was unaware of his wrongdoing. But that is unconvincing, for a cursory background check reveals that Khafagi was a founding member and president of the Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA), an organization under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for terrorism-related activities. CAIR surely knew that IANA under Khafagi was in the business of, as prosecutors stated in Idaho court papers, disseminating "radical Islamic ideology, the purpose of which was indoctrination, recruitment of members, and the instigation of acts of violence and terrorism."

    For example, IANA websites promoted the views of two Saudi preachers, Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali, well-known in Islamist circles for having been spiritual advisors to Osama bin Laden. Under Khafagi's leadership, Matthew Epstein has testified, IANA hosted a conference at which a senior Al-Qaeda recruiter, Abdelrahman al-Dosari, was a speaker. IANA disseminated publications advocating suicide attacks against the United States, according to federal investigators.

    Also, Khafagi was co-owner of a Sir Speedy printing franchise until 1998 with Rafil Dhafir, who was a former vice president of IANA and a Syracuse-area oncologist convicted in February 2005 of illegally sending money to Iraq during the Saddam Hussein regime as well as defrauding donors by using contributions to his "Help the Needy" charitable fund to avoid taxes and to purchase personal assets for himself. Dhafir was sentenced to twenty-two years in prison.

    Rabih Haddad , a CAIR fundraiser, was arrested in December 2001 on terrorism-related charges and deported from the United States due to his subsequent work as executive director of the Global Relief Foundation, a charity he cofounded which was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department in October 2002 for financing Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

    Siraj Wahhaj , a CAIR advisory board member, was named in 1995 by U.S. attorney Mary Jo White as a possible unindicted coconspirator in the plot to blow up New York City landmarks led by the blind sheikh, Omar Abdul Rahman. In defense of having Wahhaj on its advisory board, CAIR described him as "one of the most respected Muslim leaders in America." In October 2004, he spoke at a CAIR dinner.

    This roster of employees and board members connected to terrorism makes one wonder how CAIR remains an acceptable guest at U.S. government events—and even more so, how U.S. law enforcement agencies continue to associate with it.

    Links to Hamas
    CAIR has a number of links to the terror organization Hamas, starting with the founder of its Texas chapter, Ghassan Elashi, as noted above.

    Secondly, Elashi and another CAIR founder, Omar Ahmad, attended a key meeting in Philadelphia in 1993. An FBI memo characterizes this meeting as a planning session for Hamas, Holy Land Foundation, and Islamic Association of Palestine to find ways to disrupt Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy and raise money for Hamas in the United States. The Philadelphia meeting was deemed such strong proof of Islamic Association of Palestine's relation to Hamas that a federal judge in Chicago in December 2004 ruled the Islamic Association of Palestine partially liable for US$156 million in damages (along with the Holy Land Foundation and Mohammad Salah, a Hamas operative) [7] for having aided and abetted the Hamas murder of David Boim, an American citizen.

    Third, CAIR's founding personnel were closely linked to the Islamic Association of Palestine, which was founded by Ibrahim Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas operative and husband of Elashi's cousin; according to Epstein , the Islamic Association of Palestine functions as Hamas's public relations and recruitment arm in the United States. The two individuals who established CAIR, Ahmad and Nihad Awad , had been, respectively, the president and public relations director of the Islamic Association of Palestine. Hooper, CAIR's director of communications, had been an employee of the Islamic Association of Palestine . Rafeeq Jabar, president of the Islamic Association of Palestine, was a founding director of CAIR.

    Fourth, the Holy Land Foundation, which the U.S. government has charged with funneling funds to Hamas, provided CAIR with some of its start-up funding in 1994. (See $5,000 money transfer, figure 1.) In the other direction, according to Joe Kaufman , CAIR sent potential donors to the Holy Land Foundation's website when they clicked on their post-September 11 weblink, "Donate to the NY/DC Disaster Relief Fund."

    Daniel Pipes Website

  8. #18


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da tigermen
    L'iran è alleato dei Sionisti oramai, li usa per giustificare le proprie repressioni contro le minoranze etniche; in questo modo però ci vanno di mezzo anche i Cristiani
    altri "alleati"?!

    Il Guam orfano dell'Uzbekistan si rimette a nuovo e prepara la guerra alla Gazprom Nation.

  9. #19


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da tigermen
    x BlueDanube e il resto dei neofascisti, Lobby Islamica
    Ritira immediatamente quello che hai scritto

  10. #20
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da bluedanube
    Ritira immediatamente quello che hai scritto
    Ma mica ti ho chiamato neoFascista ho chiamato gli altri neofascisti, anche se la tua tendenza è quella


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