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  1. #11
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    01 Aug 2002
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    Prosecutors in the northern Russian province of Karelia launched criminal proceedings against police officers in the town of Kondoga that was hit by racially motivated violence earlier this month, Russian news agencies reported.

    Deputy chief prosecutor of Karelia, Pyotr Klemeshev, said Tuesday that several policemen have been charged with negligence and may face up to 7 years in prison if convicted, the Itar-Tass news agency reported.

    The criminal case was launched as part of the probe into ethnic riots that hit the town of Kondopoga earlier this month, after a bar fight in which two ethnic Russians were killed by men from Azerbaijan and Chechnya.

    Authorities said mobs of ethnic Russians rampaged through the town setting fire to the Azerbaijani-owned bar where the fight occurred and attacking homes and businesses of immigrants from Chechnya and other North Caucasus.

    The mobs wrecked stalls in the town’s open-air market, broke apartment windows with rocks, overturned kiosks and cars, vandalized two stores and set fire to a store that was being built.

    Dozens of Chechens, Azerbaijanis and Georgians were forced to flee the town.

    Miles Insulae

  2. #12
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    Several hundred people took to the streets of Russia’s St. Petersburg for the latest in a string of nationalist protests.

    Two Russians were killed in a restaurant brawl with Chechens in the northern town of Kondopoga in early September. This sparked racial mob violence in the community and a wave of anti-migration protests elsewhere in the country.

    About 400 activists gathered in St. Petersburg for this weekend’s rally, organized by the Movement against Illegal Migration, its leader, Alexander Belov, said.

    He said it was aimed to spotlight “all issues related to crimes committed by illegal migrants, the events in Kondopoga, and [anti-Nazi activists’] attack on [the anti-migration movement’s] picket last Sunday.”

    Miles Insulae

  3. #13
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    A student of medicine was stabbed to death by unknown attackers in the Russian city of St. Petersburg Sunday. With numerous knife wounds the 27-year-old Nitesh Kumar Singh the 5-year student at the Mechnikov Medical Academy made it to the doors of a hostel where he lived but died hours later in the hospital.

    Kumar’s fellow students found him lying unconscious near the hostel building and called in the doctors and the police. The Indian national never came round. The local police have launched a probe into the murder. Investigators examine several leads and do not rule out that the attack could be racially-motivated.

    The Indian consultate confirmed the report on Monday, saying that the Indian medical student was stabbed to death at the weekend in St Petersburg, scene of several racially-motivated attacks. “It happened some time around 10 o’clock in the evening. He had seven wounds to the spine. They took him to hospital and tried to revive him but he died at 11 o’clock,” India’s Consul-General Jordana Pavel told Reuters by telephone. She would not speculate on the reasons for the attack. Deputy city prosecutor Andrei Lavrynko said a criminal case had formally been opened and “all versions of what happened are being looked at”.

    Ali Nasor, press secretary of an African student support group called African Unity, said it seemed clearly to have been a racially-motivated attack. “He was standing alone outside the hostel. Those inside heard a noise and came out and found him lying with many wounds. He tried to explain that he had been attacked by a group of young people numbering 3-5 people,” Nasor said.
    “According to what eyewitnesses say and given other previous murders, I link this to national hatred and organized groups of young people,” he added.

    Russia has been hit by a wave of race-related attacks by far-right militants on dark-skinned people and foreign students say such incidents are particularly on the rise in Russia’s second city. President Vladimir Putin, himself from St Petersburg, has ordered police to crack down on the problem.

    Last month, a bomb exploded at a multi-ethnic market in Moscow killing 10 people, most chinese, in an attack that prosecutors said appeared to be racially-motivated.

    Miles Insulae

  4. #14
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    La violenza a sfondo religioso se si somma a quella a sfondo raziale aggrava una situazione grave(scusate il gioco di parole).

    Gunmen have shot dead a Muslim cleric in Russia’s southern spa town of Kislovodsk, Interfax news agency reported. It quoted police as saying the assailants fled after killing the imam of a mosque late on Monday in the doorway of an apartment block where he lived.

    Around the same time, a police officer was wounded when trying to stop two armed people in the street. Police do not rule out that the two might have been the killers.

    Kislovodsk, like many parts of southern Russia, has a strong Russian nationalist Christian community, which eyes with suspicion the growth of a Muslim population arriving from the impoverished Caucasus region.

    Ethnic tensions in many parts of Russia have become a cause of concern for authorities, alarmed by the increase in racist attacks.

    Miles Insulae

  5. #15
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    Arrivano altre notizie, questa è di oggi:

    E' di ieri la notizia, diffusa dalle forze dell'ordine di San Pietroburgo, secondo la quale un cittadino di nazionalita' sudanese e' stato aggredito a bastonate da un gruppo di ignoti in pieno centro cittadino. La vittima e' stata successivamente ricoverata all'ospedale Aleksandrovskij dove gli e' stata diagnosticata una forte commozione cerebrale. Il sudanese e' residente a San Pietroburgo da 9 anni e dopo gli studi in un istituto cittadino ha deciso di continuare a vivere nella "Capitale del Nord", dove lavorava come operaio in un cantiere edile.

    La procura di San Pietroburgo ha aperto due inchieste separate al fine di far luce sugli ultimi due attacchi xenofobi.

    Miles Insulae

  6. #16
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    01 Aug 2002
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    Questa, invece, è di ieri:

    Nella giornata di sabato a Mosca sono state registrate due risse a sfondo razziale, ad ognuna delle quali ha preso parte non meno di una trentina di persone. La prima ha avuto luogo intorno alle 18:00 ora locale in una via di un quartiere settentrionale della capitale russa, nella quale sono state coinvolte, su dichiarazioni dei testimoni oculari, non meno di trenta persone.

    A farne le spese e' stato un 38enne immigrato dalla repubblica del Daghestan, aggredito da una decina di teppisti a colpi di mazze da baseball ed attualmente ricoverato nel reparto di rianimazione in uno degli ospedali cittadini. Secondo le dichiarazione di un portavoce della polizia moscovita, sono stati fermati dieci protagonisti della rissa, tutti cittadini moscoviti di eta' compresa fra i 18 ed i 26 anni, studenti, operai e rappresentanti commerciali membri di organizzazioni estremistiche giovanili.

    La seconda rissa, sempre a sfondo razziale, e' stata registrata verso le ore 22:15, simile in tutto e per tutto a quella precedente. Anche in questo caso, infatti, la vittima e' stato un immigrato daghestano anch'egli aggredito da una decina di teppisti i quali, dopo averlo ripetutamente colpito con mazze da baseball, gli hanno sottratto il giubbotto di cuoio, il cellulare ed il portafoglio per un danno complessivo di circa 500 euro.

    Il 35enne immigrato daghestano e' stato ricoverato in ospedale e le sue condizioni appaiono decisamente piu' stabili rispetto a quelle del suo connazionale vittima dell'aggressione precedente. Fonti della polizia moscovita hanno dichiarato che negli ultimi tempi le risse di massa sono diventate quasi una consuetudine a Mosca.

    Miles Insulae

  7. #17
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    Sapevo della forte presenza di neonazi a San Pietroburgo da alcuni amici che sono stati lì in vacanza.
    A quanto pare però le violenze xenofobe sono dilagate un po' in tutto il paese. Un discreto problema per Vladimiro...

  8. #18
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    Un'altro episodio sulla scia dell'anti-islamismo:

    A group of assailants torched a mosque in central Russia in the early hours of Thursday. Unidentified assailants threw six gasoline bombs at mosque in the city of Yaroslavl, about 240 kilometers (150 miles) northeast of Moscow.

    A wall of the mosque caught fire. The attackers also wrote ultra-nationalist slogans on the walls of the building.

    An 18-year-old student of a vocational school was detained at the scene. Investigation into a racially motivated attack has been launched.

    The incident occurred early Sunday, a day after the country’s Muslims began observing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, the Council of Muftis said in a statement posted on its Web site.The statement said the attackers smashed the mosque’s windows and then threw Molotov cocktails at the building. Several cars parked nearby were also damaged, it said.

    Russia has seen a marked rise in hate crimes in recent years, which rights groups say is fueled in part by the authorities’ reluctance to crack down on hate crimes and tackle growing nationalism.

    Miles Insulae

  9. #19
    Ordine e Disciplina
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    08 Apr 2002
    Reazione, Tradizione, Controrivoluzione, Restaurazione, Legittimismo, Sanfedismo
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Lorenzo Visualizza Messaggio
    Several hundred people took to the streets of Russia’s St. Petersburg for the latest in a string of nationalist protests.

    Two Russians were killed in a restaurant brawl with Chechens in the northern town of Kondopoga in early September. This sparked racial mob violence in the community and a wave of anti-migration protests elsewhere in the country.

    About 400 activists gathered in St. Petersburg for this weekend’s rally, organized by the Movement against Illegal Migration, its leader, Alexander Belov, said.

    He said it was aimed to spotlight “all issues related to crimes committed by illegal migrants, the events in Kondopoga, and [anti-Nazi activists’] attack on [the anti-migration movement’s] picket last Sunday.”

    Miles Insulae
    Letteralmenre sembra voler dire: "Ai Russi la Rus', ai giudei (con sfumatura dispreg.) Israele" e l'altro "libertà al popolo di Palestina"

    L'"Israele ai giudei" non è chiaro.
    Comunque in Russia, al di là degli slogan, è ormai guerra etnica. D'altra parte sono in trend demografico negativo e continuano ad affluire turcofoni mussulmani e in Siberia cinesi, quindi lo scontro è inevitabile. Il potere politico cerca di porre un freno agli eccessi di violenza, però dovrà prima o poi prendere di petto il problema dell'immigrazione da una parte e della denatalità e dell'alta mortalità per alcolismo e altri mali dall'altra.

  10. #20
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Peucezio Visualizza Messaggio
    Letteralmenre sembra voler dire: "Ai Russi la Rus', ai giudei (con sfumatura dispreg.) Israele" e l'altro "libertà al popolo di Palestina"

    L'"Israele ai giudei" non è chiaro.
    Comunque in Russia, al di là degli slogan, è ormai guerra etnica. D'altra parte sono in trend demografico negativo e continuano ad affluire turcofoni mussulmani e in Siberia cinesi, quindi lo scontro è inevitabile. Il potere politico cerca di porre un freno agli eccessi di violenza, però dovrà prima o poi prendere di petto il problema dell'immigrazione da una parte e della denatalità e dell'alta mortalità per alcolismo e altri mali dall'altra.
    Il problema della bassa bassa natalità e dell'alta mortalità maschile sono importanti, così come la diffusione dell'AIDS, soprattutto nella parte asiatica del paese. Oltre al bonus per il secondo figlio(che vale ben 10.000 $) il governo sta pensando di tassare le coppie che non hanno figli. Queste misure non basteranno a tamponare la necessità di immigrati, il primo produttore di materie prime, secondo produttore agricolo del mondo, non che un paese in boom edilizio ha bisogno di milioni e milioni di braccia, pre questo il Cremlino continua a permettere ingressi così massicci di immigrati.

    Miles Insulae


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