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    Predefinito Alliance Base, questa sconosciuta...

    Qualche settimana fa il governo Francese ha ammesso l’esistenza, di una struttura sovranazionale, guidata dalla CIA per condurre la lotta al terrorismo. Si tratta di Alliance Base.

    Costretti ad ammettere l’esistenza della struttura dopo i diversi articoli pubblicati dai media, i massimi responsabili dei servizi segreti francesi si sono dichiarati soddisfatti dagli ottimi risultati ottenuti da questa organizzazione. A quali risultati si riferiscono?

    La vita di Alliance Base, dal 2002 a oggi, si è sviluppata in un periodo di gravi violazioni dei diritti umani in territorio europeo. C’è un nesso tra l’esistenza di questa struttura e i casi di “rendition” avvenuti in diversi paesi d’Europa? Che ruolo ha avuto Alliance Base nella gestione dei voli che hanno trasportato cittadini
    europei, sospettati di terrorismo ma mai processati, in luoghi dove sono stati sottoposti a torture e detenzioni illegali?

    La nuova inchiesta di RaiNews24 cerca di ricostruire, attraverso testimonianze dirette dei protagonisti e della migliore stampa internazionale, un nuovo tassello della storia della guerra al terrore.

    di Mario Sanna
    A cura di Maurizio Torrealta

  2. #2
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    Help From France Key In Covert Operations
    Paris's 'Alliance Base' Targets Terrorists

    By Dana Priest
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Sunday, July 3, 2005; Page A01

    PARIS -- When Christian Ganczarski, a German convert to Islam, boarded an Air France flight from Riyadh on June 3, 2003, he knew only that the Saudi government had put him under house arrest for an expired pilgrim visa and had given his family one-way tickets back to Germany, with a change of planes in Paris.

    He had no idea that he was being secretly escorted by an undercover officer sitting behind him, or that a senior CIA officer was waiting at the end of the jetway as French authorities gently separated him from his family and swept Ganczarski into French custody, where he remains today on suspicion of associating with terrorists.

    Ganczarski is among the most important European al Qaeda figures alive, according to U.S. and French law enforcement and intelligence officials. The operation that ensnared him was put together at a top secret center in Paris, code-named Alliance Base, that was set up by the CIA and French intelligence services in 2002, according to U.S. and European intelligence sources. Its existence has not been previously disclosed.

    Funded largely by the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, Alliance Base analyzes the transnational movement of terrorist suspects and develops operations to catch or spy on them.

    Alliance Base demonstrates how most counterterrorism operations actually take place: through secretive alliances between the CIA and other countries' intelligence services. This is not the work of large army formations, or even small special forces teams, but of handfuls of U.S. intelligence case officers working with handfuls of foreign operatives, often in tentative arrangements.

    Such joint intelligence work has been responsible for identifying, tracking and capturing or killing the vast majority of committed jihadists who have been targeted outside Iraq and Afghanistan since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to terrorism experts.

    The CIA declined to comment on Alliance Base, as did a spokesman for the French Embassy in Washington.

    Most French officials and other intelligence veterans would talk about the partnership only if their names were withheld because the specifics are classified and the politics are sensitive. John E. McLaughlin, the former acting CIA director who retired recently after a 32-year career, described the relationship between the CIA and its French counterparts as "one of the best in the world. What they are willing to contribute is extraordinarily valuable."

    The rarely discussed Langley-Paris connection also belies the public portrayal of acrimony between the two countries that erupted over the invasion of Iraq. Within the Bush administration, the discord was amplified by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who has claimed the lead role in the administration's "global war on terrorism" and has sought to give the military more of a part in it.

    But even as Rumsfeld was criticizing France in early 2003 for not doing its share in fighting terrorism, his U.S. Special Operations Command was finalizing a secret arrangement to put 200 French special forces under U.S. command in Afghanistan. Beginning in July 2003, its commanders have worked side by side there with U.S. commanders and CIA and National Security Agency representatives.

    Organizing Alliance Base

    Alliance Base, headed by a French general assigned to France's equivalent of the CIA -- the General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) -- was described by six U.S. and foreign intelligence specialists with involvement in its activities. The base is unique in the world because it is multinational and actually plans operations instead of sharing information among countries, they said. It has case officers from Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia and the United States.

    The Ganczarski operation was one of at least 12 major cases the base worked on during its first years, according to one person familiar with its operations.

  3. #3
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    l'articolo continua per altre 4 pagine, chi volesse leggerlo integralmente segua il link

  4. #4
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    E pensare che proprio mentre alliance base favoriva e copriva le attività illegali americane in EUROPA, gli scagnozzi di bushe si lanciavano in una feroce e volgare propaganda antifrancese ed antieuropea: ricordiamo "a theory", un delirante articolo dell'israelita michael ledeen che, con la scusa della fantapolitica, accusava i francesi e i tedeschi di manovrare alqaeda per indebolire l'amerega, terminando con un patetico appello a costituire in rfancia un fronte di resistenza interno (radio free france)...

    March 10, 2003 9:00 a.m.
    A Theory
    What if there’s method to the Franco-German madness?

    Assume, for a moment, that the French and the Germans aren't thwarting us out of pique, but by design, long-term design. Then look at the world again, and see if there's evidence of such a design.

    Like everyone else, the French and the Germans saw that the defeat of the Soviet Empire projected the United States into the rare, almost unique position of a global hyperpower, a country so strong in every measurable element that no other nation could possibly resist its will. The "new Europe" had been designed to carve out a limited autonomy for the old continent, a balance-point between the Americans and the Soviets. But once the Soviets were gone, and the Red Army melted down, the European Union was reduced to a combination theme park and free-trade zone. Some foolish American professors and doltish politicians might say — and even believe — that henceforth "power" would be defined in economic terms, and that military power would no longer count. But cynical Europeans know better.

    They dreaded the establishment of an American empire, and they sought for a way to bring it down.

    If you were the French president or the German chancellor, you might well have done the same.

    How could it be done? No military operation could possibly defeat the United States, and no direct economic challenge could hope to succeed. That left politics and culture. And here there was a chance to turn America's vaunted openness at home and toleration abroad against the United States. So the French and the Germans struck a deal with radical Islam and with radical Arabs: You go after the United States, and we'll do everything we can to protect you, and we will do everything we can to weaken the Americans.

    The Franco-German strategy was based on using Arab and Islamic extremism and terrorism as the weapon of choice, and the United Nations as the straitjacket for blocking a decisive response from the United States.

    This required considerable skill, and total cynicism, both of which were in abundant supply in Paris and Berlin. Chancellor Shroeder gained reelection by warning of American warmongering, even though, as usual, America had been attacked first. And both Shroeder and Chirac went to great lengths to support Islamic institutions in their countries, even when — as in the French case — it was in open violation of the national constitution. French law stipulates a total separation of church and state, yet the French Government openly funds Islamic "study" centers, mosques, and welfare organizations. A couple of months ago, Chirac approved the creation of an Islamic political body, a mini-parliament, that would provide Muslims living in France with official stature and enhanced political clout. And both countries have permitted the Saudis to build thousands of radical Wahhabi mosques and schools, where the hatred of the infidels is instilled in generation after generation of young Sunnis. It is perhaps no accident that Chirac went to Algeria last week and promised a cheering crowd that he would not rest until America's grand design had been defeated.

    Both countries have been totally deaf to suggestions that the West take stern measures against the tyrannical terrorist sponsors in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Saudi Arabia. Instead, they do everything in their power to undermine American-sponsored trade embargoes or more limited sanctions, and it is an open secret that they have been supplying Saddam with military technology through the corrupt ports of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid's little playground in Dubai, often through Iranian middlemen.

    It sounds fanciful, to be sure. But the smartest people I know have been thoroughly astonished at recent French and German behavior. This theory may help understand what's going on. I now believe that I was wrong to forecast that the French would join the war against Iraq at the last minute, having gained every possible economic advantage in the meantime. I think Chirac will oppose us before, during, and after the war, because he has cast his lot with radical Islam and with the Arab extremists. He isn't doing it just for the money — although I have no doubt that France is being richly rewarded for defending Saddam against the civilized countries of the world — but for higher stakes. He's fighting to end the feared American domination before it takes stable shape.

    If this is correct, we will have to pursue the war against terror far beyond the boundaries of the Middle East, into the heart of Western Europe. And there, as in the Middle East, our greatest weapons are political: the demonstrated desire for freedom of the peoples of the countries that oppose us.

    Radio Free France, anyone?

    — Michael Ledeen, an NRO contributing editor, is most recently the author of The War Against the Terror Masters. Ledeen, Resident Scholar in the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute, can be reached through Benador Associates.

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    Sempre nel febbraio 2003 martin van creveld, docente di storia militare all'Università Ebraica di Gerusalemme, profferiva velate minacce verso l'EUROPA:

    «noi possediamo varie centinaia di testate atomiche e missili, e siamo in grado di lanciarli in ogni direzione, magari anche su Roma. La maggior parte delle capitali europee sono bersagli per la nostra forza aerea».

    «Israeli professor says 'we could destroy all european capitals», IAP News, 1 febbraio 2003. La notizia è stata poi ripresa dai britannici Observer e Guardian con molto ritardo, il 21 settembre 2003.

  6. #6
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    Ancora van creveld:

    «La sola salvezza per Israele è la deportazione collettiva di tutti i palestinesi. La gente che si batte per questo [nel governo israeliano] aspetta solo l'uomo giusto e il momento giusto. Due anni fa solo il 7-8 % degli israeliani pensava che questa fosse la soluzione migliore, due mesi fa era il 33 %, ed ora sono il 44 %».

    «anzitutto, i nostri tre sottomarini ultramoderni prenderebbero posizione di fuoco al largo. Le frontiere sarebbero chiuse, un oscuramento delle notizie verrebbe imposto, e tutti i giornalisti stranieri sarebbero presi con una retata e confinati in un albergo come ospiti dello Stato…Sarebbe dispiegata la forza di 12 divisioni, undici delle quali corazzate, più diverse unità territoriali adatte ai compiti dell'occupazione: cinque contro l'Egitto, tre contro la Siria, una a ridosso del Libano. In questo modo se ne lasceranno tre per fronteggiare l'Est e forze sufficienti per mettere un carro armato in ogni villaggio arabo, nel caso alla popolazione vengano strane idee. L'espulsione dei palestinesi richiederà solo poche brigate. Non trascineranno la gente fuori dalle case, ma useranno artiglieria pesante per cacciarli via. Gli esperti militari israeliani pensano che l'operazione possa concludersi in soli otto giorni».

    «le nostre forze armate non sono la trentesima forza mondiale, sono la seconda o la terza. Abbiamo la capacità di trascinare giù il mondo con noi. E posso assicurarvi che questo accadrà, nel caso si crolli nell'abisso»

  7. #7
    Vittima del kali yuga
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    25 Feb 2006
    Il desiderio, è come un fuoco insaziabile. Grazie alla barca della conoscenza certamente varcherai tutto l'oceano del male (b. gità)
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    pazzi invasati

  8. #8
    Hanno assassinato Calipari
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    "Il programma YURI il programma"
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    Beh, Hyperion dove aveva base? Sarà la stessa struttura reciclata

    I francesi non vanno mai sottovalutati, ci sono sempre nei grandi eventi della storia.

  9. #9
    email non funzionante
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da yurj Visualizza Messaggio
    Beh, Hyperion dove aveva base? Sarà la stessa struttura reciclata

    I francesi non vanno mai sottovalutati, ci sono sempre nei grandi eventi della storia.
    a prenderle

  10. #10
    Forumista assiduo
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    Qualche settimana fa il governo Francese ha ammesso l’esistenza, di una struttura sovranazionale, guidata dalla CIA per condurre la lotta al terrorismo. Si tratta di Alliance Base
    E allora?


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