Cara America, Caro Barack

I take the freedom & the chance to introduce myself to you just like yourselves are giving each other the freedom, the chance & the great hope to introduce a new America to both America itself and the rest of us: the world watching.

I can only speak on behalf of myself, that is my chance:

I have a funny name just like yours, David Tozzo, and like you Barack I am a mixed-race young man from somewhere. In my case Rome, one of the European Union’s capitals, born on New Year’s Eve the year Governor Ronald Reagan took the Presidential Office following his landslide electoral victory over President Jimmy Carter, who himself had beaten in a quite surprising upset Senator Ted Kennedy during the Democratic Party presidential primaries the year before.

The reason why I am writing to you today is because I went to bed yesterday just like I’ve been going to bed in the past six months since your staggering upset victory in Iowa January the 3rd: dreaming a New American Dream.

The start of it all was there during the Iowa caucus, a staggering way to start the year that will finally see you, ten months and a day later, win the White House on November the 4th.

There is another reason.

Unlike myself, you will have the chance of speaking not only on your behalf, but on behalf of the whole United States of America, and not only to yourselves, but to the world; and as I believe in the world’s common destiny and therefore communication between us, I feel like I have something to tell to both of you.

I will open. I will confess you and America I had previously lost hope.

Just like America had closed in itself and was lead by George W. Bush to a wrong, disastrous war in Iraq which only sees the light of day & the hope of a tomorrow in the event of you and a new America prevailing over Senator John McCain - who would instead keep on with George W. Bush’s same mistakes which have been enduring for almost eight years now - the world had started an unprecedented process of developing that so called spirit of anti-Americanism.

I am certainly not happy of saying so, but America has lost respect.

Respect in today’s world is not gained with a war-lord as Commander in Chief, pursuing a show of strength through wrong wars instead of pursuing real world security through talk, tolerance and understanding.

Terrorism must thank people like President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain who fire hate instead of light hope. Hope instead of fear.

The Republican Party through his highest representative has not done a great service neither to the Americans nor to the world’s citizens n the past eight years by hitting the first constantly with fear over a word that I already used too much and I will use one last time now, security, as it’s been well abused and misused in the recent past, to make the Americans close in themselves and not only that: going as far as making them suspicious among themselves, looking at each other more than ever in American history like they were potential enemies instead of an only nation’s children.

America is less safe today, and it is so because it is less confident and more closed in itself then it used to be, and this is not just because of terrorism alone, but because of the reactions and the lies and the politics of fear in response to that.

America needs a change, tomorrow. Soon. November the 4th, Tuesday.

America & the whole world deserve to be offered the chance to thank America itself for now offering this new chance of change, electing a President who will turn to the world and listen, while the world will turn itself in return too

We all live in global market and a global playground, the whole world is the playground, and American can retain the title of a world’s champion player and the time is now for every American to stand up, realize that they do have a dream, go to bed each and every day with it and wake up that first Tuesday of november and realize it.

Not only the cynics didn’t say that what you have done couldn’t have been done, but also the cynics don’t see that what America could be is become a different America.

This same month forty-five years ago, Jack Kennedy was in Berlin, and he remembered when two thousands years ago the proudest boast was civis romanus sum, I am a roman citizen, and I as a roman citizen remember well when much more recently, on June 4th, 1944, US Army soldiers were welcomed and cheered here in Rome as they liberated this city from the oppression.

That was a right war. You could see it in the eyes of the roman people.

People took the pride in wearing the uniforms of the US soldiers and waving the American flags.

We were all Americans, united.

And back on that Berlin day, Jack Kennedy spoke of freedom, hope, change.

Today George Bush arrives here on a State visit without the warmest welcome and without a message of peace, but messages of crisis, enduring fear & prison instead.

He is still convinced that the Iraq war is right, justified and necessary.

The Iraq war is a wrong war. You can see it in the eyes of the Iraqi.

Many of them despise the Americans, angered.

It was also in June, also in Berlin, twenty-one years before today and twenty-five after Kennedy, that Reagan delivered a message of change, openness and freedom. World peace.

Months after George H. W. Bush, father of the current President, was elected to the Presidency himself and later declared war to Iraq, a war which was far less wrong than the war his son, George W. Bush, declared during his firm term as President. The latter, has proved to be a disastrous mistake and an ever-low point, the highest wall that America has ever built to separate itself from the world, making it hostile and becoming hostile to it.

John McCain would now like to endure all this, keeping on building the wall, but that he won’t be allowed by the American people to.

The Americans want to tear down all this, the time is coming sooner than soon, as it’s been missed highly, even more highly than the wall, and Americans want to be what it means to be an American again. A Berliner. A world leader, player, a world’s citizen.

Let’s tear it down again.

Let’s be all Americans, all Berliners, all world’s children.

I have never dreamt of such a nightmare and dream scenario at once.

I, for a long time now, have not thought of heading back to America once again pointing at it and at its next President and see the incarnation of hope, of change, not just vague slogans of a campaign but dense swings of a wind which is new, which doesn’t get money from the lobbyist and isn’t drowned in the Washington’s politics muddy waters, but stands way above. Way above any wall. Way above it all.

Let alone I have thought of supporting him, writing to him, to you.

But you came out of nowhere and here I come out of nowhere, to speak up.

I, as an European, I am though not surprised so many people are now for you, in Europe. In the world. Because everyone at the end of the day is for himself, rightfully so; the humans are for the humans, the world is for the world, for a better world, which means a better America itself.

All is connected and works better when is connected the most.

No wonder your campaign as a Democratic Candidate for President was successful and raised the most funds starting from the people, the single donors with their small donations, which have proven to be an unbeatable multitude.

Your friends. My friends.

Not the war lobby, but the world heritage.

It’s been 6 years and 9 months today since that September 11, thankfully it’s many; in a month minus a week it’s been 232 years since the Declarations of Independence, thankfully not a day has really passed.

It’s here.

It’s hope.

Its you, Barack.

It’s you, America

This is my statement, my will, my endorsement, the one of a someone who’s not American citizen and can’t register to vote, not being born and not even ever having been on American soil

George Bush & John McCain wouldn’t and won’t listen to my voice.

They don’t have hears to listen to the world, and not have words for the world’s hears either.

I will reply to their silence saying God Bless Barack Obama and God Bless America.

And not only I am not American, but I am also an atheist.

And I have the courage of that, just like you recently had the one of leaving your current church in Chicago.

We have the courage, the audacity of hope. It’s inspiring, so much that a young man from the other side of the ocean has never felt this close to a politic as much as I am feeling close to one I can’t even directly elect.

But I can listen, and see. And I can feel, American, as I want to now.

As you inspired me to.

As a wise woman once meant to say and even if I am not American I take her words and make her mine: I am today more proud than ever to be, an American. Just like that man was proud to be a Berliner.

That man was Jack Kennedy, that woman is Michelle Obama.

I am proud to feel and be like them, be them. Like you. Like everyone.

We’re all the same.

This whole race, this whole year is not about the GOP or the DNC, is about the USA.

And not even only that.

It’s about US. Us all.

This race ain’t about race, it’s about the human one.

It’s about the whole world, in which the United States of America once played a guiding role which is now refused, and forgotten, past.

I want you back and I welcome you back, America.

I missed you, all the world did. And I realize this for the first time in my adult life.

Prouder than ever. Louder than ever. I am.

I confess I choose to believe in something else. I do.

A better future. An American Dream. A New One. A whole new deal.

Being the furthest from America as I was brought to be and at the same time, finally, the closest again.

And this is really breaking boundaries, and bringing America much further from fear and closer to its far-reaching spirit, its true, original, free spirit.

The American Dream was for the Americans citizens only, I am happy to tell you all that someone who’s never even been there for real in the past is having a New American Dream right now.

Now that it’s the moment,

the right moment.

I am only human, and that’s all.

That’s all I care for, so I stand for Democracy, not the first but one of the best of them all, which has given a person out of nowhere to reach the point where that person, you, is at right now Barack.

This is right. This is America.

This is what really means chance, hope & freedom in this whole world.

As another wise king paraphrasing a poet once said, there’s one thing more powerful than all the armies in the world: an idea whose time has come.

Martin Luther King and Victor Hugo, Barack Obama and David Tozzo.

We’re all independent & identical at the same time.

We come together. Thankfully.

The Independence didn’t arrive soon or late: thankfully it arrived.

It was a 4th of July, and I do not know if it was a Tuesday but I do know that the next 4th of November will be a Tuesday and another day of independence and freedom.

A new birth of freedom on this earth, like you said paraphrasing President Abraham Lincoln in February last year while announcing yours candidacy for President.

You are no Lincoln, and no Jack Kennedy, and I am no Barack Obama, but I know for sure we’re all the same, and I’m as sure as I can feel it that while you can’t turn back time you can do much more: you can push things forward.

And you will.

I salute you, Barack, Mr. Next President

I salute you, Miss New America. This is your chance

Our chance.

Let’s move together, and this is neither a vague, rhetorical slogan. This is a moment of truth. This is truth over fear, hope over fear, freedom over fear. Courage over fear. Hope over no hope, over nothing.

As I say paraphrasing what has proved to be much more than a vague slogan, Yes We Can :

Let’s Do It

Hope, freedom, change, care, courage, peace, love, understanding, humanity & empathy,

and thankyou for a chance of a change.

David Tozzo, a democratic

Roma (World), 11/6/2008

a Wednesday