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  1. #4541
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    il ministro degli esteri dell'emirato islamico afghano, ha annunciato il ritorno di 14 diplomatici sauditi nel consolato Saudita a Kabul, secondo i media indiani in India alcuni alti funzionari stanno discutendo della ripresa delle relazioni diplomatiche con l'Afghanistan, in questo momenti in Afghanistan sono aperti 11 servizi consolari, di Iran, Pakistan, Cina, Russia, Turchia, Qatar, Kirghizistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Turkmenistan ed Italia

    Govt Praises Return of Saudis to Consulate in Kabul
    Indian media quoted some senior Indian officials who said that discussion was underway over whether Delhi would establish a presence in Afghanistan.

    A group of 14-Saudi Arabian diplomats and staff returned to Kabul to resume consulate services, an official of the Islamic Emirate's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

    “The role of Saudi Arabia is highly important among the Islamic World countries. Its presence in Afghanistan is very important for us,” said Waliullah Shaheen, Center For Strategic Studies – Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    The return of the Saudi diplomats and staff was announced late Tuesday by the Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Qahar Balkhi.

    “A 14-member diplomatic team of Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan returned to Kabul today, 30th November 2021, and resumed consular services for Afghans,” Balkhi said in a tweet. “We welcome them, appreciate this profound step by the Saudi government and view it as start of good relations.”

    Political analysts offered views on the return:

    “A great number of Afghans live in Saudi Arabia who will return to Afghanistan and therefore there is a need for an office, but it doesn’t mean recognition of the government,” said Tareq Farhadi, a political analyst.

    “Saudi Arabia wants to have an important role in Afghanistan because Afghanistan is an important country among the Islamic countries and it has a strategic location. An Iranian delegation visited Afghanistan and the Saudis want to be ahead of Iran,” said Imran Afghan, a political analyst.

    Indian media quoted some senior Indian officials who said that discussion was underway over whether Delhi would establish a presence in Afghanistan.

    An official also told The Hindu that reopening a diplomatic mission did not indicate that India was granting recognition to the Islamic Emirate.

    “Not only India, but many world countries, has requested to return to Afghanistan and reopen their embassies,” Shaheen said in response to the report.

    The consulate services of 11 countries, including Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, Turkey, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Italy are currently open in Kabul.

  2. #4542
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    secondo l'agenzia REuters, probabilmente sarà rimandata la discussione che avrebbe dovuto tenersi mercoledì all'ONU, per decidere se assegnare i seggi di Afghanistan e Myanmar, ai rappresentati del governo dei talebani e dell'attuale giunta militare birbmana
    UN to Decide on Afghanistan, Mayanmar Seats: Reuters

    Sources told Reuters it is likely the decision will be deferred on condition that current ambassadors remain in the seats.

    Extended Troika Members Support Review of UN Sanctions on Taliban


    A United Nations committee meeting on Wednesday is unlikely to allow Afghanistan's Taliban or Myanmar's junta to represent their countries at the 193-member world body, say diplomats, Reuters reported.

    Rival claims have been made for the seats of both countries with the Taliban and Myanmar's junta pitted against ambassadors appointed by the governments they ousted this year. U.N. acceptance of the Taliban or Myanmar's junta would be a step toward the international recognition sought by both.

    A nine-member U.N. credentials committee, which includes Russia, China and the United States, will meet at U.N. headquarters to consider the credentials of all 193 members for the current session of the U.N. General Assembly.

    The committee will likely defer its decisions on the representation of Afghanistan and Myanmar on the understanding that the current ambassadors for both countries remain in the seats, four diplomats told Reuters on the condition of anonymity.

    The committee - which also includes the Bahamas, Bhutan, Chile, Namibia, Sierra Leone and Sweden - will then send its report on the credentials of all members to the U.N. General Assembly for approval before the end of the year.

    Both the committee and the General Assembly traditionally take decisions on credentials by consensus, diplomats say.

  3. #4543
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    il Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, leader suppremo dei talebani, ha emesso un decreto sui diritti delle donne in Afghanistan, non lasciatevi ingannare, anche i governi fantocci degli americani, composti dagli ex terroristi mujahedeen seguaci del criminale terrorista ahamad sha massoud, il maiale del panjshir, a parole avevano vietato i matrimoni forzati, ma in venti anni in Afghanistan ci sono stati solo cinque arresti per matrimoni forzati, tutti per casi di bambine con meno di otto anni costrette a sposarsi ultrasessantenni, considerati eccessivi perfino per lo standard afghano, la maggior parte dei matrimoni in Afghanistan hanno continuato ad essere forzati, di donne quasi sempre con meno di 16 anni di età, spesso anche con meno di 12 anni, da notare che questo decreto non fa menzione dell'età della sposa.
    Solo con il ritorno al socialismo, in Afghanistan saranno debellate le piaghe dei matrimoni forzati e della pedofilia, che in territorio afghano, sono state combattute solo dai comunisti

    Taliban’s Supreme Leader Issues Decree on Women’s Rights

    The decree stipulated that the relevant institutions must take steps in its implementation.

    supreme leader of the Taliban, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, on Friday issued a decree regarding the rights of women in Afghanistan.

    The decree, which was released by the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate, Zabiullah Mujahid, stipulated that the relevant institutions must take steps in its implementation.

    The decree is comprised of six elements:

    “Adult women’s consent is necessary during Nekah/marriage. (Though, both should be equal with no risk of sedition). No one can force women to marry by coercion or pressure."

    "woman is not a property, but a noble and free human being; no one can give her to anyone in exchange for peace deal and or to end animosity.

    "the death of the husband, ‘Sharaie Adat’ (four months and ten nights or pregnancy) passes, no one can marry a widow by force including her relatives. A widow has the right whether to marry and or to determine/ choose her future. (Though, the principle of equality and preventing sedition should be kept into consideration).

    “It is the Sharia right a widow, to obtain ‘Mahar’ from her new husband. [Mahar is an amount of money specified by the wife and husband during the Nekah to be paid by the husband to the wife.]

    “A widow has heritage rights and fixed share in the property of her husband, children, father and relatives, and no one can deprive a widow of her right."

    “Those with multi marriage (more than one wife) are obliged to give rights to all women in accordance with Sharia law, and maintain justice between them.”

    The letter instructed the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Information and Culture, the Supreme Court as well as provincial governors and district governors to implement the dictates of the decree and to communicate them to the public.

  4. #4544
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da don Peppe Visualizza Messaggio
    secondo l'agenzia REuters, probabilmente sarà rimandata la discussione che avrebbe dovuto tenersi mercoledì all'ONU, per decidere se assegnare i seggi di Afghanistan e Myanmar, ai rappresentati del governo dei talebani e dell'attuale giunta militare birbmana
    UN to Decide on Afghanistan, Mayanmar Seats: Reuters

    Sources told Reuters it is likely the decision will be deferred on condition that current ambassadors remain in the seats.

    Extended Troika Members Support Review of UN Sanctions on Taliban


    A United Nations committee meeting on Wednesday is unlikely to allow Afghanistan's Taliban or Myanmar's junta to represent their countries at the 193-member world body, say diplomats, Reuters reported.

    Rival claims have been made for the seats of both countries with the Taliban and Myanmar's junta pitted against ambassadors appointed by the governments they ousted this year. U.N. acceptance of the Taliban or Myanmar's junta would be a step toward the international recognition sought by both.

    A nine-member U.N. credentials committee, which includes Russia, China and the United States, will meet at U.N. headquarters to consider the credentials of all 193 members for the current session of the U.N. General Assembly.

    The committee will likely defer its decisions on the representation of Afghanistan and Myanmar on the understanding that the current ambassadors for both countries remain in the seats, four diplomats told Reuters on the condition of anonymity.

    The committee - which also includes the Bahamas, Bhutan, Chile, Namibia, Sierra Leone and Sweden - will then send its report on the credentials of all members to the U.N. General Assembly for approval before the end of the year.

    Both the committee and the General Assembly traditionally take decisions on credentials by consensus, diplomats say.

    l'emirato islamico dell'Afghanistan, protesta contro la decisione dell'onu, di rinviare la riunione che avrebbe dovuto decidere se assegnare agli ambasciatori dei talebani dei seggi

    Islamic Emirate Reacts to UN Decision on Afghanistan

    Afghanistan secured membership in the United Nations in 1946. Since then, a total of 13 ambassadors have represented Afghanistan at the UN.

    The Islamic Emirate on Thursday reacted to the UN credential committee's choice to defer a decision on who will represent Afghanistan at the United Nations, meaning the Islamic Emirate will not be allowed into the world body for now.

    The Islamic Emirate's proposed ambassador to the UN, Suhail Shaheen, in reaction to the UN committee’s decision, said “this decision is not based on legal rules and justice because they have deprived the people of Afghanistan of their legitimate right.”

    He added: “We hope that this right is handed over to the representative of the government of Afghanistan in the near future so that we can be in a position to resolve issues of the people of Afghanistan effectively and efficiently and maintain positive interaction with the world."

    “Undoubtedly, it is the right of Afghans. We are disappointed with this. It should have been solved earlier and the Afghans should have been granted their rights,” said Bilal Karimi, deputy spokesman for the Islamic Emirate.

    Russia, China and the US are on the 9-member committee which gathered at the UN General Assembly to consider the credentials of all 193 members in the United Nations.

    It wasn’t clear whether the representative chair would be taken up by the ambassador of the former government to the UN, Ghulal Ahmad Ishaqzai, or if it will remain unoccupied. However, former ambassador Ishaqzai said on Twitter that he would be continuing as Afghan representative at the UN assembly.

    “This government is not inclusive. There are no women in it. At the decision-making level, there are no youth and experts. Those who are not Taliban, are not part of the government. The rights of women have yet to be clarified,” said Toreq Farhadi, an international relations analyst.

    Afghanistan secured membership in the United Nations in 1946. Since then, a total of 13 ambassadors have represented Afghanistan at the UN.

  5. #4545
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    15 Apr 2009
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    ennesima dimostrazione della vigliaccheria, della bastardagine, dell'ipocrisia e della natura da ricottari degli anticomunisti di merda tumore dell'umanità, il terrorista anticomunista mujaeideen, ex collaboratore del criminale maiale del panjshir ahamad shah massoud, e fino a poco tempo fa tra gli eroi degli anticomunisti di merda tumore dell'umanità, dopo che per anni prima con il supporto di usa, paesi nato, pakistan, arabia saudita ed israele, ha combttuto i comunisti, gli unici che in Afghanistan hanno portato benessere e sviluppo, dopo che ha contribuito a distruggere l''Afghanistan durante la guerra civile, dopo ha governato per 14 l'Afghanistan come fantoccio degli usa, con la scusa della lotta ai talebani, oggi che è passato dalla parte dei talebani, sputando sopra i militari afghani, che i suoi ordini per anni sono morti combattendoli, ha rilasciato questa patetica ed ipocrita intervista, dove invita gli afghani a tornare in Afghanistan per ricostruire il paese, facendo finta di dimenticare, che se sono scappati è per colpa dei terroristi di merda come lui che hanno distrutto l'Afghanistan, ha condannato i bombardamenti aerei americani, che hanno ucciso molti civili afghani, dimenticandosi, quando nel 2001 lui era alleato degli usa e della NATO, quando questi invadevano l'AFghanistan bombrdandolo a tappeto ed uccidendo tantissimi afghani, e quando era presidente non ha mai protestato contro i bombardamente americani, ai quali bastava il sopsetto che in un centro abitato, ad una festa di matrimonio, o in un mercato ci fosse un talebano per bombardare uccidendo tantissimi civili innocenti, ha chiesto agli usa ed ai paesi occidentali il riconoscimento de talebani, facendo finta di dimenticare che lui ha governato 14 anni con la scusa della lotta ai talebani, ed elemosintato gli aiuti per ricostruire l'Afghanistan, facendo finta di dimenticare, che i suoi governi in 14 anni hanno ricevuto centinaia di miliardi di dollari da tutto il mondo, con i quali avrebbero potuto rendere l'Afghanistan un paese ricco e sviluppato, invece hanno solo rubato, poiché come tutti gli anticomunisti di merda, sono ladri ed incapaci, non hanno costruito nepure una grande infrastruttura, ancora oggi la maggior parte delle grandi infrastrutture in Afghanistan, sono quelle costruite dalla gloriosa Unione Sovietica, i risultati di 20 anni di governi anticonmunisti di ex terroristi mujahedeen seguaci di massoud in Afghanistan sono miseria, corruzzione, degrado, sottosviluppo, milioni di afghani che soffrono la fame e cono seri problemi di denutrizione, il 60% di dispersione soclastica i primissimi anni di scuola, la maggior parte della popolazione analfabata, tre milioni e mezzo di tossicodipendenti, il narcotraffico prima attività economica afghana, pedofilia libera, la maggior aprte delle donne costrette a sposarsi in matrimoni forzati a meno di 16, spesso anche a meno di 12 con ultrasessantenni, libero sfruttamento di bambini e minorenni maschi forzati alla prostituzione, Afghanistan primo paese al mondo, per numero di persone morte per cause violente, fanatismo religioso, criminalità, ma karzai invece di vergonarsi per i propri fallimenti e nascondersi, continua a parlare.
    In Afghanistan solo i comunisti hanno portato benessere e sviluppo, ottenuto i migliori risultati della storia afghana nel campo della scolarizzazione di massa per entrambi i sessi, della lotta al'analfabetismo ed al latifondo, a vietare con i fatti e non solo formalmente usura, schiavità per debiti, pedofilia e matrimoni forzati, costruire la maggior parte delle grandi infrastrutture del paese, combattere il terrorismo, difendere la barbarie contro la civiltà ma c'è ancora gente come l'alabardiere svizzero @Halberdier
    che continuano a mettere sullo stesso piano i comunisti con i terroristi ed i loro padroni americani

    Tutti gli eroi degli anticomunisti tumore dell'umanità sono tutti ricottari, criminali, farabutti, ladri, non se ne salva neppure uno, e Karzai è l'ennesimo esempio della vera natura degli anticomunisti di merda tumore dell'umanità

  6. #4546
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    dedicato ad hamid karzai ed a tutti gli anticomunisti di merda tumore dell'umanità

  7. #4547
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da don Peppe Visualizza Messaggio
    in questo momento su rai 3 merdosissimo documentario anticomunista sull'Afghanistan, pieno di menzogne anticomuniste, con interviste ad ex terroristi spacciati per eroi, e puttaneappartenenti alle vcchie classi privilegiate afghane, che a suo tempo supportarono i terroristi islamici, a causa del loro odio contro i comunisti che gli avevano tolto i loro privilegi e la libertà di sfruttare e schiavizzare i lavoratori, spacciate per attiviste per i diritti delle donne
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da don Peppe Visualizza Messaggio
    gli anticomunisti di merda, tumore dell'umanità, oltre ad essere sociopatici mentalmente disturbati e pezzi di merda, sono i più grandi imbroglioni e raccontapalle della storia
    anche stasera la rai ha raccontato menzogne anticomuniste sui comunisti in Afghanistan, ed a fare la propaganda per terroristi criminali, assassini, pedofili, narcotrafficanti, ladri come massoud

    tutta la propaganda anticomunista si basa sulle menzogne, i propagandisti anticomunisti, sono i più grandi inventori di menzogne del mondo, e gli anticomunisti sono dei pecoroni che credono ad ogni menzogna gli raccontino i guru della propaganda anticomunista

  8. #4548
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    training camp di mountain bike, organizzato dai ciclisti di Herat

  9. #4549
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    gli stati confinanti, hanno restituito all'l'Afghanistan, gli elicotteri e gli aerei portati dai piloti fuggiti quanndo i talebani stavano riconquistando il potere

    Afghan Military Aircraft Abroad Being Returned: Officials

    The commander of the Al-Fath Corps in the northern province of Balkh, Ataullah Omari, said that efforts were underway to transfer the aircraft back.

    The commander of the Al-Fath Corps in the northern province of Balkh, Ataullah Omari, said that efforts were underway to transfer the aircraft back.
    Related News

    Afghan military aircraft--fixed wing planes and choppers-- have been brought back from neighboring countries, authorities said on Saturday. Further details, such as the exact number of aircraft, was not provided.

    With the rapid fall of the country to the Islamic Emirate, many Afghan Airforce pilots and maintenance workers, fearing for their lives, fled the country in military aircraft to neighboring countries.

    The commander of the Al-Fath Corps in the northern province of Balkh, Ataullah Omari, said that efforts were underway to transfer the aircraft back.

    “Those aircraft transferred abroad have been returned to the country. As a result of continued efforts, some of the aircraft were brought back to Afghanistan,” he said.

    The Islamic Emirate once again called on Afghan pilots to return home, saying there is no threat to them.

    Balkh Airforce Commander Ziaul Haq Assim said that maintenance staff had recently repaired an aircraft that was broken.

    “An aircraft was broken, and it should have been sent to Dubai for repairs… but our engineers and maintenance repaired the aircraft,” said Ziaulhaq Assim, commander of Balkh Airforce.

    This comes as the Afghan Air Force conducted a military drill about one week ago.

    Acting Defense Minister Mullah Mohammad Yaqob said that the Islamic Emirate was committed to establishing a strong Air Force.

  10. #4550
    emiro omofobo meridionale
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    Predefinito Re: L'Afghanistan in mano ai talebani?

    il segretario di stato americano Antony Blinken, ha dichiarato che gli USA continuranno ad essere i principali donatori di aiuti umanitari all'Afghanistan, chiedendo in cambioai il rispetto dei diritit delle donne e di lottare cntro il terrorismo, in pratica gli USA gia hanno sperperato migiaia di miliardi di dollari in Afghanistan, ed oggi continuano a sperperare soldi, mentre gli affari in Afghanistan li faranno Cina, Russia, Pakstan e Turchia

    US Continues to be the Largest Aid Provider to Afghans: Blinken

    Blinken said the US is working with other partners to put more liquidity into the Afghan economy to help the people of Afghanistan.

    The US State Secretary Antony Blinken, said that the US is closely watching the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and is continuing its humanitarian support for the people of Afghanistan to help them cope with this difficult situation.

    Talking at a press briefing on Tuesday, Blinken said the humanitarian situation is dire in Afghanistan and is likely to get worse as the winter sets in.

    He said the US continues to be the largest humanitarian aid provider to Afghanistan. “What I am focused on right now, is the situation in Afghanistan, including the humanitarian situation. We continue to be the largest single provider of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan,” he said.

    Addressing the humanitarian situation, Blinken said, the US Treasury Department has issued many general licenses that enables other countries and institutions to send aid to Afghanistan without being exposed to the US sanctions. “We have Issued multiple general licenses to make sure that other countries, institutions, can feel free to move forward with their assistance and not be concerned about the application or implementation of sanctions against them,” he said.

    Blinken added that the US is working to find ways to put more liquidity into the Afghan economy. He said the US aid is directed only at the people of Afghanistan and will not benefit the current government.

    He also said the US is focused to make sure the Islamic Emirate fulfills its commitments, including safe passage, women’s rights, and counterterrorism.

    Blinken's remarks follow a protest in Kabul on Tuesday in which the protesters called on the US to release Afghanistan’s frozen assets.


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