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  1. #161
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da animal Visualizza Messaggio
    ...nonostante il movimento del GOR.....sarebbe utile venisse chiarita questa frase molto strana, direi incomprensibile...
    Non vi e' nullla d' incomprensibile... appunto sapendo cos'e' il "GOR", dovrebbe lei, essere in piena capacita' nel capire nel contesto la frase... sicuro che lei sappia cosa sia il "GOR" ?

    Sul resto e sulla sua EVIDENTE incapacita' di capire cosa legge...? Nulla da dire?
    Globalizzazione..... si grazie.

  2. #162
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    sarebbe utile venisse spiegata la costruzione della frase " movimento del GOR"....
    magari e' una nuova metodica.....non e' una parolaccia vero?
    Possiamo concludere che tutto il peggio che succede in Italia e' dovuto alle elites PD ed al vaticano?
    Stupri, attentati, invasione, fallimenti, disoccupazione, emergenza sociale, denatalita',violenza verbale , suicidi, omicidi....

  3. #163
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da animal Visualizza Messaggio
    sarebbe utile venisse spiegata la costruzione della frase " movimento del GOR"....
    magari e' una nuova metodica.....non e' una parolaccia vero?
    Ma lei vuole continuamente dimostrare che e' incapace di capire cosa legge (non che ve ne fosse bisogno, come gia' dimostrato nei due post precedenti ed ovviamente lei col cacchio che risponde al riguardo.. credendposi pure furbo ):

    "Appunto i dati parlano chiaro.. NON vi e' calo di produzione, nonostante il movimento del "GOR""

    Cosa esattamente non capisce che le faccio uno schemino..

    Se mi chiede PERFAVORE le spiego cosa lei ovviamente non sta capendo (o facendo finta di no), poi dopo oltre a dire grazie, ammettera' di non aver capito un cazzo ? Si o no?
    Globalizzazione..... si grazie.

  4. #164
    Viva la piadina!!!
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da animal Visualizza Messaggio
    sarebbe utile venisse spiegata la costruzione della frase " movimento del GOR"....
    magari e' una nuova metodica.....non e' una parolaccia vero?
    Ma lei vuole continuamente dimostrare che e' incapace di capire cosa legge (non che ve ne fosse bisogno, come gia' dimostrato nei due post precedenti ed ovviamente lei col cacchio che risponde al riguardo.. credendposi pure furbo ):

    "Appunto i dati parlano chiaro.. NON vi e' calo di produzione, nonostante il movimento del "GOR""

    Cosa esattamente non capisce che le faccio uno schemino..

    Se mi chiede PERFAVORE le spiego cosa lei ovviamente non sta capendo (o facendo finta di no), poi dopo oltre a dire grazie, ammettera' di non aver capito un cazzo ? Si o no?
    Globalizzazione..... si grazie.

  5. #165
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Amati75 Visualizza Messaggio
    Ma lei vuole continuamente dimostrare che e' incapace di capire cosa legge (non che ve ne fosse bisogno, come gia' dimostrato nei due post precedenti ed ovviamente lei col cacchio che risponde al riguardo.. credendposi pure furbo ):

    "Appunto i dati parlano chiaro.. NON vi e' calo di produzione, nonostante il movimento del "GOR""

    Cosa esattamente non capisce che le faccio uno schemino..

    Se mi chiede PERFAVORE le spiego cosa lei ovviamente non sta capendo (o facendo finta di no), poi dopo oltre a dire grazie, ammettera' di non aver capito un cazzo ? Si o no?
    Non facciamo i bambini, non ne abbiamo l'eta'
    Dove sta scritto nell'articolo postato da Paul la parola GOR?
    Da nessuna parte!
    Ma l'articolo dice:
    more associated natural gas than expected, worrying some investors that production could peak sooner than anticipated.

    Che non e' una bella affermazione, almeno per un petroliere, ne siamo consapevoli almeno?
    Forse avrete interpretato che i giacimenti stiano producendo piu' gas di quanto si riteneva, quindi bella notizia.....vero?
    No no no, e dovrei mettere il ditino, ma non ho tempo e voglia ;
    ricordo solamente che la sigla GOR la ho quindi utilizzata io, dato che l'articolista era quello che voleva dire, ma non sarebbe stato capito dei piu'...cioe' voi due!
    Quando il gas aumenta il rapporto rispetto all'olio e' una gran brutta notizia, dato che nei giacimenti sottosaturi non si ha presenza di gas, ma scendendo la pressione sino a raggiungere il punto di bolla, il gas si separa dalla frazione oleosa, e contribuisce a fornire l'energia affinche il reservoir emunga fluidi.
    ma man mano che la pressione scende, il gas si libera sempre di piu sino ad aumentare il cosiddedtto GOR ( gas oil ratio).
    pertanto il giacimento ad olio passa in una rapida deplition, con quantita' sempre maggiori di gas che vengono bruciate il piu' delle volte in fiaccola ( altro grave danno ecologico all'ambiente).

    Questo e' quello che avrebbero dovuto scrivere gli articolisti, ma hanno giustamente riassunto il tutto in una riga e mezza, trattandosi non di uno studio di giacimento, ma di un articolo economico.
    Possiamo concludere che tutto il peggio che succede in Italia e' dovuto alle elites PD ed al vaticano?
    Stupri, attentati, invasione, fallimenti, disoccupazione, emergenza sociale, denatalita',violenza verbale , suicidi, omicidi....

  6. #166
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    more associated natural gas than expected, worrying some investors that production could peak sooner than anticipated.
    Sono anni che dovrebbe esserci la fine degli shales. Sorry, non ci sara.

    Peraltro si scoprono altri giacimenti che vengono portati in produzione.

    Rassegnati che il prezzo del petrolio e' destinato a restare basso per parecchio.

    Oil prices settle lower as U.S. output hits 2-year high - MarketWatch

  7. #167
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Sicuramente il fracking estremo ( bisognerebbe definirlo cosi', perche' il frac si utilizzava nella notte dei tempi, ma non in tale entita' e soprattutto non in argille, ma nei normali giacimenti porosi) continuera', anche perche' ormai stanno ballando con investimenti etc, e il decomissioning gli costerebbe di piu'.
    E' un braccio di ferro tra produttori Opec-non Opec- consumatori ed il nuovo quarto incomodo per l'appunto il fracking....

    Puo' accadere di tutto!
    Possiamo concludere che tutto il peggio che succede in Italia e' dovuto alle elites PD ed al vaticano?
    Stupri, attentati, invasione, fallimenti, disoccupazione, emergenza sociale, denatalita',violenza verbale , suicidi, omicidi....

  8. #168
    Viva la piadina!!!
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da animal Visualizza Messaggio
    Non facciamo i bambini, non ne abbiamo l'eta'
    Dove sta scritto nell'articolo postato da Paul la parola GOR?
    Da nessuna parte!
    Ma l'articolo dice:
    more associated natural gas than expected, worrying some investors that production could peak sooner than anticipated.

    Che non e' una bella affermazione, almeno per un petroliere, ne siamo consapevoli almeno?
    Forse avrete interpretato che i giacimenti stiano producendo piu' gas di quanto si riteneva, quindi bella notizia.....vero?
    No no no, e dovrei mettere il ditino, ma non ho tempo e voglia ;
    ricordo solamente che la sigla GOR la ho quindi utilizzata io, dato che l'articolista era quello che voleva dire, ma non sarebbe stato capito dei piu'...cioe' voi due!
    Quando il gas aumenta il rapporto rispetto all'olio e' una gran brutta notizia, dato che nei giacimenti sottosaturi non si ha presenza di gas, ma scendendo la pressione sino a raggiungere il punto di bolla, il gas si separa dalla frazione oleosa, e contribuisce a fornire l'energia affinche il reservoir emunga fluidi.
    ma man mano che la pressione scende, il gas si libera sempre di piu sino ad aumentare il cosiddedtto GOR ( gas oil ratio).
    pertanto il giacimento ad olio passa in una rapida deplition, con quantita' sempre maggiori di gas che vengono bruciate il piu' delle volte in fiaccola ( altro grave danno ecologico all'ambiente).

    Questo e' quello che avrebbero dovuto scrivere gli articolisti, ma hanno giustamente riassunto il tutto in una riga e mezza, trattandosi non di uno studio di giacimento, ma di un articolo economico.
    Non dica baggianate... su... a me cosa
    Dice L articolo di Paul interessa poco, a me interessa farle notare che non ha capito un
    Cazzo, in quanto mi ha chiamato in causa a me che non avevano detto nulla... quindi non avendo lei capito neanche cosa legge, mi sto semplicemente divertendo nel farlo notare.

    Il le ho risposto a LEI, su cosa LEI ha scritto... e mi spiace informarla, analfabeta funzionale, che oltre a non aver capito cosa ha letto , le faccio nuovamente notare che la Pioneer quando ha rilasciato le nota informativa che ha dato il via alla discussione fra gli investitori sul GOR, ha anche sempre nella stessa nota indicato che non ha registrato nessun calo di produzione... da lì la risposta che le si è data e che lei ovviamente non ha capito.

    Impari a capire cosa legge, millantatore di nozioni che non ha... Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Globalizzazione..... si grazie.

  9. #169
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Mantenga termini consoni alla conversazione e all'argomento.

    Detto questo trovo ora un articolo su Pioneer, dove in forma piu' estesa vengono posti i dubbi e le perplessita' sull'aumento repentino del gas, e la possibilita' che la depletion sia da attendersi prima del previsto.

    Occorre tenere presente anche che trovare e sviluppare un giacimento non e' come vendere sedie impagliate e le variabili in gioco sono centinaia!

    in Permian Basin, America's Fastest-Growing Field

    By Alison Sider Published August 09, 2017 Features Dow Jones Newswires

    Investors helped turn West Texas' Permian Basin into America's fastest-growing oil field, but their confidence is cracking over whether drillers can keep production rising.

    Questions mounted last week after Pioneer Natural Resources Co. reported that its Permian wells are producing more gas and natural gas liquids such as propane than expected. That worried investors, who care a lot more about oil.

    Shares of Pioneer and other Permian producers tumbled as a result. Pioneer ended the week down 16%, while Parsley Energy Inc. and Concho Resources Inc. both declined more than 9% over that stretch.

    The main issue for Wall Street is whether the Permian, where nearly half the rigs drilling for oil in the U.S. are located, will continue apace or will fall short of the expectations of investors, who in recent years crowded into companies drilling there.

    "The Permian is going to have some growing pains," Scott Hanold, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said this week.

    The concerns aren't universal, and some say they are overblown. "I don't think anything has changed in the Permian. It's the lowest cost, best basin to be in, with the best rock," said Bill Costello, portfolio manager at investment firm Westwood Holdings Group. "If people are going to give me the opportunity to buy more, I'm going to buy more all day long."

    Some Permian stocks have partly recovered since last week's plunge. Cimarex Energy Co. was the S&P 500's biggest gainer Wednesday, rising about 7.5% after it reported more oil production than expected.

    But the selloff, and analyst notes that followed, reveal that some investors are questioning whether they were overly confident in the resilience of the Permian, and perhaps overpaid for it.

    Most wells produce natural gas as a byproduct alongside oil, and that gas output tends to rise over time. That is because as a reservoir is depleted, its pressure drops and gas vapors separate from liquid -- reaching the "bubble point" at which natural-gas production accelerates.

    Pioneer last week indicated that some of its Permian wells are reaching this point sooner than it anticipated.

    "Why everyone's so concerned is that it could mean at some point in the future, that oil declines are steeper than what company and the investment community thought they would be," said Ben Shattuck, research director at consultancy Wood Mackenzie. "It raised that big question mark."

    John Groton, director of equity research at Thrivent Financial, which owns shares of Pioneer, said the issues were a hiccup, "not a harbinger of the end for the Permian." Still, he said, "It never goes as smoothly as people think it will." He added: "There were a lot more people who had priced Pioneer for perfection than I had realized."

    Some skeptics have long suspected that the ultimate recoverability rates of oil from tightly packed U.S. shale rocks might be lower than many drillers were forecasting, and that the process to extract it would ultimately be too expensive a proposition.

    U.S. shale producers use a process known as fracking -- blasting water and sand through rock to unleash vast quantities of oil and natural gas. Because of the unusual geology in the Permian, which consists of stacked layers of oil-bearing rock that can be tapped simultaneously from a single site, Wall Street widely believed these companies could turn a profit even at lower oil prices. Shares of companies in the Permian held up better than their peers while oil prices plummeted starting in 2014.

    Quarter after quarter, producers demonstrated that they could break even there at lower and lower oil prices as they learned to extract more oil from each well. They drilled sideways through the rock layers -- in some cases as long as 2 miles.

    Their success meant they were able to tap investors for more cash when they needed it. Companies that weren't in the Permian wanted to be there, and were willing to pay up for land.

    Producers in the region have raised $27.5 billion since the start of 2015 by selling new shares -- 44% of the cash raised that way by North American oil-and-gas companies since then.

    The premium for shares of Permian producers compared with oil companies that focus on other regions shrank by 14% after Pioneer reported its results, Morgan Stanley analysts said Monday.

    "Investors didn't receive the beat-and-raise quarter that they saw in" the first quarter, Cowen analysts wrote in a note this week, describing the selloff as a "Permian Panic: When 'safe stocks' fail."

    Even before second-quarter results, there were signs that investors' enthusiasm was ebbing. When QEP Resources Inc. last month announced a deal to spend $732 million to buy drilling land in Martin County, Texas, its shares fell.

    Also last month, someone who described himself as a former Pioneer petrophysicist raised alarms in a post on LinkedIn, predicting that "ALL oil shale wells...will die a disappointing and gassy death."

    Pioneer didn't respond to requests for comment on the post.

    It is up for debate what Pioneer's announcement last week that its Permian wells were producing more gas means for future oil production.

    Scott Rees, chief executive of Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., an independent engineering consulting firm that has Pioneer as a client, said that when production reaches this point, it doesn't mean that oil production is about to drop off.

    So far, Pioneer said the oil output from its wells isn't dropping -- it is on track with what its engineers predicted. Analysts and some investors say all that gas is basically a free byproduct that will make the wells more valuable.

    Parsley Chief Executive Bryan Sheffield echoed that point when he said last week that the company's wells were still producing as much oil as expected.

    "Oil volumes are in-line with expectations, so the extra gas is truly additive."

    Pioneer Chief Executive Tim Dove told analysts that oil was "absolutely meeting our expectations on a per-well basis, and adding more gas and [natural gas liquids] to the mix is a positive in terms of revenues and reserves without even affecting oil."

    "This is a good thing," he said.

    The explanation didn't seem to help.

    "While it is only one day of trading, the underperformance of high-quality Permian stocks has left some [portfolio managers] asking about where to reallocate capital within the sector," Goldman Sachs analysts wrote last week as share prices tumbled.

    --Ryan Dezember contributed to this article.

  10. #170
    Viva la piadina!!!
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    Predefinito Re: Prezzo petrolio: previsioni e calo, crisi nel 2018 possibile

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da animal Visualizza Messaggio
    Mantenga termini consoni alla conversazione e all'argomento.

    Detto questo trovo ora un articolo su Pioneer, dove in forma piu' estesa vengono posti i dubbi e le perplessita' sull'aumento repentino del gas, e la possibilita' che la depletion sia da attendersi prima del previsto.

    Occorre tenere presente anche che trovare e sviluppare un giacimento non e' come vendere sedie impagliate e le variabili in gioco sono centinaia!

    in Permian Basin, America's Fastest-Growing Field

    By Alison Sider Published August 09, 2017 Features Dow Jones Newswires

    Investors helped turn West Texas' Permian Basin into America's fastest-growing oil field, but their confidence is cracking over whether drillers can keep production rising.

    Questions mounted last week after Pioneer Natural Resources Co. reported that its Permian wells are producing more gas and natural gas liquids such as propane than expected. That worried investors, who care a lot more about oil.

    Shares of Pioneer and other Permian producers tumbled as a result. Pioneer ended the week down 16%, while Parsley Energy Inc. and Concho Resources Inc. both declined more than 9% over that stretch.

    The main issue for Wall Street is whether the Permian, where nearly half the rigs drilling for oil in the U.S. are located, will continue apace or will fall short of the expectations of investors, who in recent years crowded into companies drilling there.

    "The Permian is going to have some growing pains," Scott Hanold, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said this week.

    The concerns aren't universal, and some say they are overblown. "I don't think anything has changed in the Permian. It's the lowest cost, best basin to be in, with the best rock," said Bill Costello, portfolio manager at investment firm Westwood Holdings Group. "If people are going to give me the opportunity to buy more, I'm going to buy more all day long."

    Some Permian stocks have partly recovered since last week's plunge. Cimarex Energy Co. was the S&P 500's biggest gainer Wednesday, rising about 7.5% after it reported more oil production than expected.

    But the selloff, and analyst notes that followed, reveal that some investors are questioning whether they were overly confident in the resilience of the Permian, and perhaps overpaid for it.

    Most wells produce natural gas as a byproduct alongside oil, and that gas output tends to rise over time. That is because as a reservoir is depleted, its pressure drops and gas vapors separate from liquid -- reaching the "bubble point" at which natural-gas production accelerates.

    Pioneer last week indicated that some of its Permian wells are reaching this point sooner than it anticipated.

    "Why everyone's so concerned is that it could mean at some point in the future, that oil declines are steeper than what company and the investment community thought they would be," said Ben Shattuck, research director at consultancy Wood Mackenzie. "It raised that big question mark."

    John Groton, director of equity research at Thrivent Financial, which owns shares of Pioneer, said the issues were a hiccup, "not a harbinger of the end for the Permian." Still, he said, "It never goes as smoothly as people think it will." He added: "There were a lot more people who had priced Pioneer for perfection than I had realized."

    Some skeptics have long suspected that the ultimate recoverability rates of oil from tightly packed U.S. shale rocks might be lower than many drillers were forecasting, and that the process to extract it would ultimately be too expensive a proposition.

    U.S. shale producers use a process known as fracking -- blasting water and sand through rock to unleash vast quantities of oil and natural gas. Because of the unusual geology in the Permian, which consists of stacked layers of oil-bearing rock that can be tapped simultaneously from a single site, Wall Street widely believed these companies could turn a profit even at lower oil prices. Shares of companies in the Permian held up better than their peers while oil prices plummeted starting in 2014.

    Quarter after quarter, producers demonstrated that they could break even there at lower and lower oil prices as they learned to extract more oil from each well. They drilled sideways through the rock layers -- in some cases as long as 2 miles.

    Their success meant they were able to tap investors for more cash when they needed it. Companies that weren't in the Permian wanted to be there, and were willing to pay up for land.

    Producers in the region have raised $27.5 billion since the start of 2015 by selling new shares -- 44% of the cash raised that way by North American oil-and-gas companies since then.

    The premium for shares of Permian producers compared with oil companies that focus on other regions shrank by 14% after Pioneer reported its results, Morgan Stanley analysts said Monday.

    "Investors didn't receive the beat-and-raise quarter that they saw in" the first quarter, Cowen analysts wrote in a note this week, describing the selloff as a "Permian Panic: When 'safe stocks' fail."

    Even before second-quarter results, there were signs that investors' enthusiasm was ebbing. When QEP Resources Inc. last month announced a deal to spend $732 million to buy drilling land in Martin County, Texas, its shares fell.

    Also last month, someone who described himself as a former Pioneer petrophysicist raised alarms in a post on LinkedIn, predicting that "ALL oil shale wells...will die a disappointing and gassy death."

    Pioneer didn't respond to requests for comment on the post.

    It is up for debate what Pioneer's announcement last week that its Permian wells were producing more gas means for future oil production.

    Scott Rees, chief executive of Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., an independent engineering consulting firm that has Pioneer as a client, said that when production reaches this point, it doesn't mean that oil production is about to drop off.

    So far, Pioneer said the oil output from its wells isn't dropping -- it is on track with what its engineers predicted. Analysts and some investors say all that gas is basically a free byproduct that will make the wells more valuable.

    Parsley Chief Executive Bryan Sheffield echoed that point when he said last week that the company's wells were still producing as much oil as expected.

    "Oil volumes are in-line with expectations, so the extra gas is truly additive."

    Pioneer Chief Executive Tim Dove told analysts that oil was "absolutely meeting our expectations on a per-well basis, and adding more gas and [natural gas liquids] to the mix is a positive in terms of revenues and reserves without even affecting oil."

    "This is a good thing," he said.

    The explanation didn't seem to help.

    "While it is only one day of trading, the underperformance of high-quality Permian stocks has left some [portfolio managers] asking about where to reallocate capital within the sector," Goldman Sachs analysts wrote last week as share prices tumbled.

    --Ryan Dezember contributed to this article.

    Io le riposndoi come n millantatote ed un analfabeta funzoinale come lei merita, quindi s enon le garba che la mettono nel posto che le compete, eviti di chiamarmi in causa senza ragone, che poi se non le piace prendere batostee virutali, non e' colpa mia.

    Nuovamente, e' sempre utile leggere la totalita' e senza scegliere, avrebbe letto che appunto non si e' registrato nessun calo della produzione NONOSTANTE il "movimento" nel dato del GOR:

    "So far, Pioneer said the oil output from its wells isn't dropping -- it is on track with what its engineers predicted. Analysts and some investors say all that gas is basically a free byproduct that will make the wells more valuable.

    Parsley Chief Executive Bryan Sheffield echoed that point when he said last week that the company's wells were still producing as much oil as expected.

    "Oil volumes are in-line with expectations, so the extra gas is truly additive."

    Pioneer Chief Executive Tim Dove told analysts that oil was "absolutely meeting our expectations on a per-well basis, and adding more gas and [natural gas liquids] to the mix is a positive in terms of revenues and reserves without even affecting oil."

    Quindi millantatore di nozioni che non ha, se non vuole farsi dare le sue solite batoste (metaforiche), come si merita, o si assicura di capire cosa sta leggendo... o zitto e muto.
    Globalizzazione..... si grazie.


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