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  1. #1

    Predefinito Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali


    By the National Leadership of the Baath Arab Socialist Party
    to the World Friendly Parties, About The Israeli Aggression On Gaza


    On Saturday 27 December 2008, a new stage of an Israeli continued aggression began against the Palestinian people, suffering from the occupation since 60 years. But this new aggression on Gaza Stripe might be the most dangerous one because it is occurring after Israel has prepared, under American cover, all circumstances fit to it to make this stage of conflict, a stage of annihilation and liquidation of the Palestinian people and their resistance, after Israel could not, by all its crimes it perpetrated until now, to subjugate the Palestinian people to the Israeli occupation dictations and to give up to the Zionist project.
    What is going on in Gaza is a barbaric crime against humanity and stones. It did not exempt hospitals, mosques and supplies stores and services. It is a crime and holocaust that have not been witnessed in the history of the continued conflict against a people defending their usurped rights and seeking to liberate their lands. This aggression is taking place while
    the Palestinian people are living these days a dangerous and difficult stage because of the Israeli flagrant aggression against Gaza, launched once again, by the Israeli occupation forces, perpetrating through such aggression collective massacres and annihilation process against the Palestinian people, and war crimes against humanity.
    The continued Israeli aggression against an armless innocent people goes far beyond the release of the Israeli soldier Shalit, as the Israeli leaders allege, nor for stopping Alkassam missiles, the Palestinian resistance launch in response to this aggression , nor to liquidate Hamas which adheres to the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation and defend themselves. The crimes committed by Israel since one and a half year, such as the blockade and killing of armless civilians. It is an aggression that wants to annihilate this people through a horrible "holocaust", as some Israeli leaders openly threatened and through the mass media, the last threat was made by the Israeli foreign minister Livni, saying that she wants to liquidate Hamas in Gaza.
    The Israeli aggression wouldn't have happened without the US absolute support to Israel in its aggression. It wouldn't have happened without the international silence toward the tragic occurrences in Gaza. The US stands represent a flagrant side-taking with the aggressor, the occupier of the Arab territories and the usurper of the Palestinian people rights.
    This aggression shows what the American-Zionist project wants in the region, to subjugate the Palestinian people, and all the other peoples, in the region to the aims of this project to achieve full hegemony and domination over the region and its riches.
    The Baath Arab Socialist Party strongly condemns the new holocaust perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian armless people of Gaza. This aggression exposes the failure of Israel and its disability to get out of its political crisis since its 2006 aggression against South Lebanon and the military defeat in facing the Lebanese resistance. This new Israeli aggression violates all international laws and conventions. It is a crime against all mankind and it undermines human rights and all moral values.
    The Baath Arab Socialist Party, while depicting the tragic situation in Gaza, appeals to all the friendly parties and organization to carry out prompt activities and moves in order to:
    - Condemn the Israeli brutal aggression and organized state terrorism against the Palestinian people in Gaza, as a violation of human rights and all international conventions and moral and human values.
    - Demand that their governments quickly move politically through mass media to condemn and immediately stop the aggression and lift up the blockade imposed on Gaza.
    - Send telegrams to the international organizations, condemning this aggression, specially to the UN, and demand that they shoulder their responsibilities to pressurize Israel to stop its aggression.
    - To move for supporting Gaza politically and materially, and give urgent humanitarian assistances to them.
    - Demand all the governments of different countries and international organizations to work fro establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the region, peace which restores to the Palestinian people their legitimate rights to establish their own independent state, with Jerusalem as its capita and the return of the refugees to their homes, according to the relevant UN resolutions.
    In conclusion, we are all hopes that all parties and people activities shoulder their responsibility for supporting a people exposed to annihilation and the usurpation of their lands and rights. This People, in spite of all the suffering they were and still are subjected to, stick to their rights and continue their legitimate struggle for the evacuation of the occupier from their lands, occupied since the Israeli aggression of June 1967, and will not yield or surrender, and to do justice to this people and to help them to obtain their legitimate rights. This forms the corner stone in building a real, durable and just peace in this region, which gets rid of tensions and wars, or else the region will not enjoy peace, and the impacts of this will not be limited only to the region, but it will affect world peace and security.


  2. #2

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    القيـادة القوميـة
    الأمانة العامة


    رسالة القيادة القومية لحزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي
    إلى الأحزاب العربية الشقيقة
    (حول العدوان الإسرائيلي على غزة)


    ما يجري في غزّة هذه الأيام من عدوان مفتوح، يمثل حلقة جديدة في مسلسل العدوان الصهيوني العنصري المجرم والغادر على الشعب الفلسطيني، وإذا كان العدو الإسرائيلي قد اختار غزّة في هذه الحلقة من عدوانه المتواصل على الشعب الفلسطيني، فلأن غزّة لا تزال صامدة بوجه العدوان، وتقاوم ببسالة، عبر إمكانات بدائية وبسيطة لا تتناسب مع ما يملكه العدو من وسائل التدمير.
    إن التركيز على غزّة يجسد أول ما يجسد كسر إرادة الشعب الفلسطيني في غزّة وتصفية مقاومته التي لم ولن تحقق سنة ونصف السنة من الحصار القضاء عليها، وإخضاع الشعب الفلسطيني للمشروع الصهيوني المدعوم أمريكياً، من فرض الاستسلام على هذا الشعب الذي يدافع عن نفسه من أجل استرجاع أرضه المحتلة وحقوقه المسلوبة.
    فقوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي صعّدت عدوانها الغاشم ضد شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني في غزة، بعدما شدّدت عليه حصارها، وقطعت عنه كل إمدادات الحياة من الماء والكهرباء والغذاء والدواء والطاقة، وعلى الرغم من ذلك فشلت في إخضاع هذا الشعب، ولذلك لجأت لشن عدوان واسع مرتكبة مجازر جماعية هي بحقيقتها تجسد عملية إبادة الشعب الفلسطيني في غزّة، مما يشكل جريمة نكراء ضد الإنسانية، وقد جاء ذلك تحقيقاً لتهديد أطلقه مسؤولون صهاينة بتحويل غزة إلى محرقة كبيرة (هولوكوست).
    ولم يمض يومان على تصريح تسيبي ليفني وزيرة خارجية العدو الإسرائيلي من القاهرة أن إسرائيل تريد إنهاء حماس في غزّة، وتصريح إيهود باراك بأن إسرائيل تريد تغيير قواعد اللعبة في غزّة بإنهاء المقاومة التي تقوم بها حماس والفصائل الفلسطينية الأخرى، دفاعاً عن النفس، وإصراراً على التمسك بالحقوق وعدم الاستسلام الذي تريده إسرائيل فرضه بالقوة على الفلسطينيين.
    ويجري هذا العدوان وسط غضب شعبي عربي ودولي وصمت رسمي من قبل الدول الكبرى والأمم المتحدة، وتلكؤ من النظام الرسمي العربي في تحمّل مسؤولياته في دعم الشعب الفلسطيني وبمباركة وتشجيع من قبل إدارة الرئيس الأمريكي جورج بوش التي تعد أيامها الأخيرة.
    إن عدوان إسرائيل الغاشم الذي يحاول وضع المبررات لمجازره باتهام حماس أنها خرقت التهدئة، إنما هو في الحقيقة يستهدف الفلسطينيين في غزّة جميعاً والشعب الفلسطيني كله، ويريد إخضاعه بالقوة، لأن هذا العدو لم يعد يطيق المطالبة بتحرير الأرض الفلسطينية المحتلة منذ عام 1967، ولا عودة اللاجئين، لأن هذه المطالب تتناقض ومشروعه العنصري ضد الشعب الفلسطيني والأمة العربية، ولم يعد يتحمّل المقاومة التي يمارسها هذا الشعب دفاعاً عن نفسه، ومن أجل عودة أرضه وحقوقه المشروعة.
    وإن التهدئة التي يشير إليها قادة العدو ما هي إلا وسيلة أرادها العدو بوقف أعمال المقاومة من الفلسطينيين مع بقاء الحصار الظالم وإطلاق يد العدو في القتل والتدمير، والمضي في الاستيطان وقضم الأراضي العربية وتهويد القدس.
    إن هذا العدوان الإرهابي ضد شعب أعزل، لا يقف عند حدود تحرير الجندي الإسرائيلي الأسير "شاليط"، ولا بحجة وقف الصواريخ التي تطلق من غزّة دفاعاً عن النفس ، كما يدّعي قادة العدو الإسرائيلي، وإنما هو عدوان إرهابي خطّطت له قوات الاحتلال من قبل، وحشدت له مئات الطائرات الحربية واستخدمت الأطنان من القنابل في تدمير بيوت الفلسطينيين العزّل، ولم تستثن المساجد والمشافي ومخازن الأغذية، وإنما يأتي هذا العدوان لتحقيق أهداف سياسية وعسكرية، تتمثل في ما يلي:
    1- الاستفراد بالشعب الفلسطيني في غزّة، والقضاء عليه وعلى مقاومته، بعد أن أحكمت طوق الحصار على هذا الشعب منذ عام ونصف العام من أجل كسر إرادته والاستسلام لمشروع العدو العنصري الصهيوني.
    2- تعميق الانقسام الفلسطيني من خلال تحريك طرف تمثله السلطة الفلسطينية على طرف فلسطيني آخر يتمسك بالمقاومة وبالثوابت الفلسطينية وإفشال كل المحاولات الجارية لاستعادة الوحدة الفلسطينية في مواجهة عدوان إسرائيل ومشروعاتها في فرض الاستسلام على الشعب الفلسطيني.
    3- استغلال العدوان من أجل تحقيق أهداف سياسية لاسيما على صعيد الداخل الإسرائيلي، وتوظيفه في حملة الانتخابات الإسرائيلية، التي ستجري في شباط القادم، لاستمالة الصوت الصهيوني المتشدد، الذي يتوسع ويتصاعد في كيان العدو الصهيوني.
    4- توظيف هذا العدوان للتغطية على ما يعانيه كيان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي من أزمة سياسية داخلية، منذ هزيمته النكراء في عدوان 2006 على جنوب لبنان، في محاولة لتحقيق أهداف عسكرية، تنقذ هذا الكيان من أزمته.
    5- استغلال ما أمكن من الدعم المطلق لإدارة الرئيس بوش قبل نهاية ولايتها، لفرض أمر واقع، وتقييد الإدارة الجديدة بنتائج السياسات التي ألحقتها إدارة بوش بالاستقرار، وجمود عملية السلام في المنطقة.
    6- تصوير إسرائيل الإرهابية بأنها الضحية لما تقوم به المقاومة الفلسطينية كرد على جرائم الاحتلال الإسرائيلي ومجازرها بحق المدنيين الفلسطينيين، وحصارها الجائر والمفروض على قطاع غزّة.
    7- إلقاء المنطقة في دوّامة التوتر وخلق حرب جديدة، تمكّن العدو الصهيوني من تحقيق أهدافه في هذه المرحلة، بما يجعل المنطقة غارقة بأجواء التوتر والصراعات والحروب التي تنعكس بآثارها وتداعياتها على العالم أجمع، لا لشيء سوى خدمة المشروع الصهيوني وتمكينه من تحقيق أهدافه.
    إن العدوان الإسرائيلي الجديد ضد شعبنا الفلسطيني في غزّة، هو حلقة من المخطط المعادي لتصفية قضية فلسطين والصراع العربي الإسرائيلي لمصلحة إسرائيل ومشروعها العنصري والتوسعي، وهو في الوقت ذاته، دليل على فشل قادة العدو لإنهاء أزمتهم التي لا زالوا يعيشونها بسبب هزيمتهم أمام المقاومة اللبنانية، وعجزهم عن مواجهة المقاومة الفلسطينية التي تحقق بإمكاناتها المتواضعة صموداً باسلاً للشعب الفلسطيني، وتمسكاً بثوابته.. وتعرقل ما يخططون له بالتعاون مع الإدارة الأمريكية لفرض الاستسلام على الشعب الفلسطيني والأمة العربية.
    إن حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي إذ يدين بشدة عدوان إسرائيل الغاشم ضد الشعب العربي الفلسطيني في غزّة، ويعده جريمة نكراء، تضاف إلى جرائم ومجازر الاحتلال الصهيوني بحق هذا الشعب، ويضرب بعرض الحائط المواثيق والقوانين الدولية، هو عدوان مخطط له من قبل قادة العدو الصهيوني، وبالتنسيق والتعاون مع إدارة الرئيس بوش، وإن هذا العدوان سيفشل كما فشلت الاعتداءات الإسرائيلية السابقة، ولن يحقق أيّاً من أهدافه السياسية والعسكرية، أمام شعب فلسطين الذي سيواصل نضاله وصموده ومقاومته للاحتلال والعدوان الصهيوني، ويظهر إرادة قوية ومقاومة صلبة ويتعالى على المعاناة والجراح، لأنه مصمم على تحقيق النصر مهما بلغت التضحيات، وتزايدت قوافل الشهداء من مناضليه.
    وإن المطلوب من الأحزاب والقوى والفعاليات الاجتماعية والسياسية والشعبية العربية الشقيقة ما يلي:
    1- التحرّك السياسي السريع لإدانة العدوان، والعمل لوقفه، عبر مختلف النشاطات بالتظاهر والاعتصامات والندوات، واستخدام وسائل الإعلام المختلفة لإسماع صوت الشعب العربي بكل أقطاره، كقوّة واحدة موحدة في الدعم المطلق للشعب الفلسطيني في مواجهة ما يتعرّض له من عدوان.
    2- حث الحكومات والمؤسسات العربية، لاسيما جامعة الدول العربية لتحمّل مسؤوليتها القومية والسياسية في اتخاذ موقف عربي موحد وقوي، يستهدف وقف الحصار الجائر على غزّة، وتوفير إمكانات صمود هذا الشعب.
    3- المطالبة بقطع أي علاقة مع العدو الصهيوني، وإشعار العدو والعالم بأن نصرة شعب فلسطين، ووقف العدوان والحصار المفروض عليه، وتمكينه من استرجاع حقوقه، هو السبيل لتحقيق سلام عادل وشامل في المنطقة، وأن العرب لن يمكّنوا العدو الإسرائيلي الاستفراد بالشعب الفلسطيني.
    4- تشكيل إستراتيجية عربية لكشف زيف ادعاءات إسرائيل بالسلام، وتوضح أهدافها الإرهابية من وراء عدوانها ضد الشعب العربي الفلسطيني في غزّة، وعدم جديتها بالسلام.
    5- بذل الجهود الحقيقية من أجل استعادة وحدة الشعب الفلسطيني، وتعزيز الوحدة الوطنية الفلسطينية من جديد، هذه الوحدة التي من شأنها أن تزيد تماسك الشعب الفلسطيني وتعزز صموده ومقاومته، وتفرض على العدو التراجع عن مخططاته واحتلاله، ليستعيد حقوقه المشروعة لإقامة دولته المستقلة على الأراضي الفلسطينية وعودة اللاجئين.
    والجهد العربي المطلوب لتحقيق ذلك يتطلب الوقوف على مسافة واحدة من جميع القوى الفلسطينية ودفعها للحوار لتحقيق الموقف الموحد الذي يتمسك بالثوابت ولا يساوم على أي منها، ويدعم مقاومة العدو ومخططاته كطريق لاسترجاع الأرض المحتلة والحقوق المغتصبة.


  3. #3

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    Alahmar Discussed with Italian Communists Secretary General Enhancement of Cooperation

    Comrade Abdullah Alahmar, the Assistant Secretary General of the Baath Arab Socialist party, and Oliviero Deliberto, the Secretary General of the Italian Communists Party and his accompanying delegation, discussed, yesterday, their two parties bilateral relations and ways of enhancing them, as well as regional and international situations.
    Both sides asserted conformity of their views concerning such developments, emphasizing that the American flagrant aggression against the Syrian territories hinders peace and security in the region and reflects the policy of wars , interventions and pressures, practiced by the American administration and its violation of the international laws and sovereignty which escalate tension and threaten the region security and stability in addition to the direct liability of the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories in Palestine and the Golan, and the Israeli continued aggression and starvation against the Palestinian people .
    They asserted that dialogue is the base for solving the existing problems, and no one can impose his policy on the world.
    Comrade Alahmar pointed at the efforts made by the BASP enhancing the cooperation with the world progressive parties and forces for facing the U.S policies of hegemony and domination, and for a world free of wars, a world of justice, solidarity and prosperity.

    Deliberto expressed his party solidarity with Syria against the American aggression that killed eight innocent civilians.
    He lauded the stands of Syria, led by President Bashar Alassad, and his support to Syria's right to restore the Golan and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.


  4. #4

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    Alahmar and Alburkani Agree on Activating Party Cooperation Program

    On 30 Oct 2008, Comrade Abdullah Alahmar, the Assistant Secretary General of the BASP, discussed with Shaikh Sultan Alburkani, the Assistant Secretary General of the Yemeni General Popular Congress for political affairs and foreign relations, the relations between the two political organizations and the two brotherly countries. They also agreed on activating the Cooperation Program, signed by the two parties, which contributes to developing the cooperation and coordination relations between the two parties, and benefit from each other experiments.
    Comrade Abdullah Alahmar confirmed during the meeting that the American aggression against Alboukamal area is an unjustified and terrorist act that undermines the Syrian sovereignty and Arab national security. It is an attempt by the American administration to distract attention from its failure and successive crises, caused by the aggression and occupation policies, followed by the American administration as well as its attempt to impose its interests by force, ignoring peoples rights.
    Comrade Alahmar said that the aggression will not undermine the steadfastness of our people and their national stands. They will stick to their principles and goals, will never surrender. They will defend their national and pan Arab rights, and sovereignty, whatever potentials the aggressors might have.
    Shaikh Burkani renewed the Yemen and his party condemnation of American flagrant aggression, confirming their stand side by side with Syria leadership and people in facing any aggression that targets Syria sovereignty, people and rights.


  5. #5

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    The speech of Comrade Abdullah al-Ahmar Assistant Secretary General of the Party To the Magazine of Sport and Youth in Sudan

    Comrade Abdullah al-Ahmar has delivered a speech to the Sport and Youth magazine in Sudan. Here is the text of the speech:
    Arab-Sudan relations have attained a continuous growth in all the fields during the last years. Thus, the communications and meetings held at top level between the two brothers' countries, at the head, between the Presidents Bashar al-Assad and Omar Hassan al-Bashir, and between the leaderships of the Baath Arab Socialist Party and Sudan National congress organization. As well as, the discussions and agreements performed between the two governments and the meetings of Syria-Sudan supreme commission, all these had positive results and formed a new specific move towards special and firm relations between the two countries, and the vast fields of cooperation between the Syrian and Sudanese peoples. Besides, these relations formed an advanced step towards enhancing solidarity and Arab coordination and creating a powerful united Arab stance able to deal with the recent developments to confirm the nation's steadfastness and stance in facing the dangers and challenges surrounding her, therefore, activate her role in the international human movement.
    Sudan occupies a special position in every Arab person's spirit for its culture; history and achievement that increase the richness of the Arab culture, for occupying a special position as a civilized bridge bind the Arab nation with Africa and for its peoples that exposed, as the Arab, to the cruelest kinds of occupation, defeating and injustice.
    Sudan with its Arab depth and belonging to the Arab world and black continent deepens the contents of Arab civilization, its humanity, tolerance and openness, and strengthen the historical and current ties among Arab and African countries.
    Exactly at this time, Sudan has a remarkable role, comparing to the other Arab countries. This makes him hold responsibility for great regional and national duties that our people undertook throughout the history phases because these are their destiny and choice.
    The national dimension and, Islam's human tolerant doctrines are very important to every Arab country in order to understand the consequences of its internal issues. These issues which could not be acquainted with their meanings and solutions unless they put within the national entity order, and discover the organic link between the regional and the national entities, including pluralism that the nation civilized values have perceived and formed with it an integral structure to affirm the nation's force and civilized humanitarian role.
    This speech is not a mere echo to the pan-Arab romance, yet, it became a fact assured by the developments and circumstances. Arab and Muslims, as a nation, civilization and culture, are exposed today to the same challenges that have an impact on the human civilization through their exposure to the Arab countries and unity.
    Within these circumstances, Sudan is exposed, today; to great foreign pressures drowned him in an endless civil war, and aim at splitting up this country, extorting its energies and resources, and impeding his growth and progress. Furthermore, the consequences of the odd problem in Darfur. In addition, there is a use of various machineries and available tactics used against him, such as prompting a civil war, arbitrary besiege, attacking the vital constructions, the acts of sabotage, and terrorism of various kinds and goals.
    Facing all these serious dangers, Sudan has no choice except to organize its people and reinforce the national unity bases depending on a constructive pluralism and democratic dialogue among its forces, organizations, groups and political movements, in order to defend its unity, independence and its own choice to achieve development and growth.

    Sudan is rich in its natural resources, human potentials, cultural, and entity of civilization. All know that this richness which is based on pluralism of wealth, races and cultures ' multiplicity.
    The unity, which depends on pluralism, is necessary for progress and advancement, this unity is possible in the condition of assertion on the common divisor and hops of all Sudanese with what equalize them in their common life and in distribution wealth equally and activate participation of all Sudanese in the process building of the future.
    Sudanese people affirmed their ability to live a common life through their unity that they have maintained throughout historical phases that should to promote and grow it in this period because it is the only way of total growth and active national role.
    The rich of Sudanese experience struggle, our experience in Syria and in al-Baath Arab socialist party affirmed the importnce of national unity.
    Since the correction movement on 1970, headed by president Haffez al-Assad, has rooted the basis's of national unity because this unity is the essence of any achievement and mean of any victories, and it is the contribution platform in the march of promoting Arab solidarity and putting their countries on the road of unity.
    Syria has attained wide steps and achieved social and economic transformations on the road of progressive and advancement, confronting Israel's aggression and enhancing her national regional and human role depending on the national Unity that can assimilate political organizations with all forces of community popular and vocational sectors where all participate in building community
    Sudan's experience affirmed as our experience in Syria that the national unity does not establish by force but by sincere openly dialogue and clinging with common divisor and avoiding the private narrow-minded affairs and any thing, which divide one people
    Sudan as a Brother country which it has of law and of what has adopted procedures' lately embodies an important step and a begging of enhancing national unity of their people with its all differences races, sects and groups. Moreover, enhancing its role in promoting peace and Arab- African cooperation and participation in the Arab and Muslim march in facing current challenges and building flourished future.
    We are in al-Baath Arab Socialist party partake Sudanese crowded in their struggle to maintain Sudan's unity and its dependent to be a strong state forming strong constituent of his Arab nation and a factor of advancement and stability and activate role in the total Arab 's aims towards solidity and unity
    We congratulate you of all your achievements and victories, which you have fulfilled on all levels. We consolidate you to overcome all difficulties that confront you .And express our hope of what you have been achieved is an advanced step , followed by next steps to complete a dialogue to reach the final formula gather all commitment forces of people and goals to unified effort's forces to grow Sudan's role up and enhancing it's position in the whole Arab nation.



  6. #6

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    An open dialogue about the Great Middle East Project

    The Great Middle East project is considered the foremost of political issues on the Arab and international arenas, recently. Therefore, opinions and thoughts are oriented toward explaining this project to the youth generation who are targeted by foreign forces. Within this context, the open dialogue symposium was held about it in order to discuss its meaning, aims and objectives. The participants presented a group of thoughts and ideas which are outlined as follows:

    At the beginning, Dr. Mohammad Saleh Alhermasy, member of the national leadership of the Baath Arab Socialist party, said that this project is an American ideology and aims at serving the United States of America interests in the region. But does America own this right? And is it qualified for accomplishing such a project while it is known for all that it has hegemony ideology and seeks to control weaker peoples and plunder their resources. He also talked about the internal correction and the axiom of the Arab Masses need for it. However, how can the United States make correction while its roots are saturated with corruption and carrying out aggressions against peoples freedom, undermining their will, counterfeiting their options and enforcing political and cultural patterns on them which differ totally from what these nations need to build their cultures and progress.

    As for Mr. Attiyah Al-Jodah, he noted that (Shimon Perez) had considered this project which was put forward on the background of the American British occupation to Iraq. However, this project has indications that clarify many aspects of its dimensions and aims since America has declared that it is busy with drawing the political map of the region after seizing power in Iraq.

    Mr. Al-Jodah expatiated upon explaining the Great Middle East Project. He pointed out that this project overpasses the objective reality and the identities of this region, especially the Arab one, and ignores its economic, social and cultural development level in addition to its habits and traditions and the difference and dissimilarity between them. So does this project fit a region such the Middle East?

    Dr. Mohdi Dakhlallah the general director of Dar al-Baath talked about the modern geopolitical conception of the United States of America and the position of this project in it as the region is suffering from vacuum and there isn't any national Arab Project to fill it. In addition to the working towards merging Israel in the region which there wouldn't have been a need to make such projects in if Israel hadn't been existed.

    In his interposition Dr. Dakhlallah focused on the region on which the project is going to be implemented geographically in respect of the Major policy of the superpowers. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a modern geopolitical map appeared with the Americans saying that a conflict will take place. It is the economic conflict which, as for the countries involved in it such as the United States, Japan, China, Russia and Europe, is of course not a contradiction, but an interest conflict that has priority and dominates the world as a whole.

    Dr. Dakhlallah adduced some criteria that America adopted. This project presents assurance that countries need knowledge and freedom and in this America doesn't use the social development standard to apply this project, but it uses the standard of convergence to its policy. It considers Syria the worst country and must have a complete correction. However, if we considered the standards in the project, we would find Syria much better as the Syrian woman has got all her rights at the beginning of the fifties. Whereas, other countries didn't give her some of these rights till now.

    At the end of the symposium the participants agreed unanimously that the sole aim of this project is an advanced and sophisticated military presence that can decide any battle or crisis which may occur without waiting for new forces from other arenas. What fall under this context are the Defense Minister Donald Ramsfield`s resolutions to remodernize and redeploy the American forces on new bases that continuously deal with the latest dangers.


  7. #7

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    Information about the Baath Arab Socialist Party,
    his leadership in Syria and what was called
    the Baath Party Organization in Iraq

    Mr. Atiyah Al-Jodah

    The Baath Arab Socialist Party was officially founded on the seventh of April 1947 following a congress held in Damascus from 4-6 April 1947 directly after a period of preaching and calling for the principles and thoughts of the party started at the beginning of the forties. This congress is considered the foundational congress of the party.

    Many documents were issued by the foundational congress. The most important of them were the constitution of the party in addition to a bylaw which deals with the organizational affair and a political statement in which the establishment and trends of the party were announced.

    The constitution of the party included the basic and general principles and the intellectual, organizational, political and programmatic organizations on which he was based on and which were the starting point of the struggle-march of the party. In this constitution the party put forward his fundamental slogan "One Arab Nation who has an Eternal Mission" and his major fundamental objectives "Unity, Freedom and Socialism".

    These objectives and slogan express the party belief in the Arab nationalism in its liberal and humane content which is a movement of a divided people suffering from backwardness, exploitation and colonial domination and fighting for liberation, democracy, Arab unity and achieving the social justice.

    The center of the party was in Damascus and soon branches in many Arab countries were formed, especially in the east ones. On the basis of his intellectual, political, and programmatic springboards and his presenting of the national and social issues of the Arab nation, he could attract broad groups of the people masses, beginning with the educated elites who played an important role in spreading the party ideology, trends, programs and his stands towards different issues. On this basis, he struggled for the pioneer role he undertook to put forward the thoughts of liberation, Arab unity and social justice and resist the colonial imperialistic Zionist plans and projects. In Syria, for example, the party was one of the basic liberation powers in fighting the alliances and through the backing he had in the Parliament he participated in many governments the last of them was the one that achieved the unity. He also had a role in issuing laws that prevented displacing the peasants and nationalized the electricity company. Moreover, he had his presence in the countries where he existed and was widely known, could achieve important successes and turned into an effective and influential power due to the broad people masses gathering around him.

    Some of his most outstanding successes were : his pioneer and leading role in calling for the idea of Arab nationalism and unity, implanting this idea, converging with 23 July revolution in Egypt under the leadership of Jamal AbdulNaser, achieving the first unionist attempt in the recent Arab history and carrying out the eighth of March 1963 revolution in Syria in which he led the process of the deep and broad political, economical, social and cultural changes which accomplished important achievements included all fields, especially after the Corrective Movement in 1970 led by president Hafez Al-Assad . These changes and achievements consolidated Syria status and her role at the Arab and international levels. Consequently, he could build a modern state of pioneer role and active and effective presence interarab and internationally.

    During his struggle-March the party suffered from some mentalities in his leadership that stood in the way of his developments. He managed to get rid of and segregated them of the party after an internal movement on 23 February 1966. However, these segregated elements formed another independent organization with Baghdad as its center. It carried the same name as the party and put forward the same slogans and objectives. Later on those who formed it, the most eminent of them was the former president Saddam Housain, carried out a military coup in Iraq in 18 July 1968 and seized power. They had their own policy, practices and relations which totally differ from the polices, practices, relations and stands of the Baath Arab Socialist Party Organization and his leadership in Syria.

    Thus what was called the Baath Arab Socialist Party in Iraq is no more than another independent organization has no relation at all with the Baath Arab Socialist Party and his leadership in Syria and totally differs from him in its policies, practices, relations and its total stands even though it had the same name and presented the same slogans.

    This is what both organizations policies and practices clarify and confirm.

    While the policy , practices and relations of the Baath Arab Socialist Party organization and his leadership in Syria are based on party, political and economical pluralism at the internal level and on cooperation, solidarity, calling for Arab unity at the Arab level, openness to whole the countries in the world and the adherence to establish good relations with these countries on the basis of mutual respect and common interests in the light of the international law and the United Nations principles. Also his stands towards the region issues with the Arab-Israeli conflict placed at the head are based on the abidance by the international legitimacy logic and its relevant resolutions, particularly the resolutions No. 242 and 338 and the land for peace principles, with the aim of achieving just and comprehensive peace in the region… This is what was confirmed by Syria peaceful trends , her positions towards peace process and her positive dealing with the sincere international efforts exerted for establishing real peace based on justice and comprehensiveness and which includes the complete withdrawal from the Arab land that were occupied in the June 1967 aggression, the Syrian land in Al-Golan, the Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem and the Lebanese Shabba farms and guaranteeing the Palestinian refugee right in returning back to their land according to the resolution No.194 issued by the United Nations.

    The polices, practices and positions of the regime leadership and what was called the Baath Arab Socialist Party Organization in Iraq were based on extremism, adventure tendency, aggression and deviation from rationality and from the solutions that are based on dialogue and understanding language. This appeared most clearly in the enmity policy which it followed with all the neighborhood countries. For example, it declared itself the enemy of Syria and it is not forgotten yet the crazy war waged by the Iraqi regime against Iran then Al-Kuwait, etc.. In addition to its policy and internal practices which are based on repression.

    It is well known that the practices of the Iraqi regime and President Saddam Housain brought to Iraq and the Arab Nation the grossest damages and losses and led Iraq to its present condition under the shade of the American occupation which brought to Iraq the most severe dangers. The results of this occupation were disastrous on Iraq in particular and on the Arab Nation in general and its consequences were negative at the world level.

    Therefore, Syria position of the American war on Iraq is rejection, condemnation and considering it illegitimate. Her positions have always been the abidance by Iraq unity land and people, calling for ending the occupation on his land, restoring his complete sovereignty and establishing a productive legitimate government expresses the Iraqi peoples will .

    Finally, what deserves to be mentioned is that the Baath Arab Socialist party and his leadership in Syria have been always keen on keeping up with the variables in the region and the world and responding to their requirements. His policy is characterized by realism, rationalism and meeting the necessity to develop and modernize. Therefore, under the recent circumstances he places the following at the head of his missions : developing, modernizing and updating his ideology , setting the mechanisms and work forms which are appropriate for this and which qualify him more and more to carry out his role in serving the National and humane issues and consolidating the language of dialogue among nations and peoples.


  8. #8

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    Cultural Invasion

    Cultural invasion is one of the most outstanding and dangerous breaches encountering the Arabic Culture. Arabs through history have been subjected to many of these breach attempts, especially during the period of the struggle against the Zionist Movement and the plans of the American globalization which is considered one of the most important ways to spread her cultures and lifestyle in order to unsettle the national culture by invading the minds of its people.

    Culture is considered the most important fort for nations and an essential factor that motivates their strife. To be mentioned is the role of language and its branches in warning the Arabs of the dangers surrounding them. It was also an essential factor of nation wakefulness factors in facing the attempts to efface its identity as it performed an effective role in confronting the attempts to impose Turkish and French nationalities in the east and west of the Arab Land.

    Arabic culture has encountered double danger:

    Zionism and history forgery
    Zionism and ( Israel ) state are the main dangers facing the Arabs as they have both circulated mythical legends through forging the history and cultural identity of the Arab nation with the aim of placing the Zionist racist entity in the heart of the Arab country and undermining the idea of Arab nationality and unity .

    One of the Zionism practices is considering Palestine a biblical land for Jews , denying Palestine history and considering Jerusalem an eternal capital of the Zionist entity.

    Zionist leaders realized that peace alone is unable to achieve Zionist targets so it is necessary to mind the cultural field. Therefore, Zionists aim at circulating to what they call peace culture , in order to dedicate the legitimacy of their existence , occupation of the land and peace culture according to what they are circulating. It is the culture of submission to fait accompli and not the culture of fair and permanent peace.

    From this appears the vital role of Arabic language and the educated Arab in facing this danger, because the educated Arab is the soldier of the coming battle.

    Globalization and threatening the identity
    The dangers which threatens the identity of nations have increased under the imperialism globalization shade. It sounds clear that the means created by globalization seek to generalize market education to become a global education , i.e. imposing dominating globalization culture by using advanced technology in communication, spreading her cultural production and notions, change culture into commodity and separate culture and educated people from the field of their advancement and their relation to their homeland and its progress. The interest of globalization especially the American one is based on spreading her notions without looking at humanity original values. Information and means of communication penetrate nations and culture and it is possible to point out the difficulties and challenges facing the national cultures especially in the developing countries :

    A- Capital countries especially America have huge capabilities in the field of culture industry and this threatens nations culture. It was not by chance in Johannesburg conference that the French president asked for confirming an international treaty about the cultural variety.

    B- It is impossible to put barriers and blocks to avoid the access of what is spread by information media because communication technology is everywhere in every house.

    It is well known that the United States of America is the pioneer in marketing culture commodities and have ways of permeation and influence through satellite channels causing gradual psychological brain wash via information materials produced especially for underdeveloped countries.

    How to deal with globalization phenomenon in the cultural field:
    There are three trends in this connections:

    The first: A rejecting trend. Its pros believe in maintaining and protecting the identity, self-isolation and returning back to the old cultural heritage. This means the isolation from the advancement in the world without taking into consideration the needs and demands of the present time.

    The second: calls for opening to globalization and integrating with her. Its pros believe that the present time has passed national identities, without taking into consideration the nature of this globalization.

    The third: rejects globalization in her present form considering her based on the tendency of domination and works towards depriving the national identity content. Its pros start from the notion of the national identity of culture and call for maintaining and protecting it besides finding a status of positive interaction among cultures.

    It sounds that this stand is the right option that allows keeping together with the advancement in the world without isolation and knowing how to deal with globalization phenomenon as it appears by starting from the nation cultural heritage and maintaining what is original and humanitarian in it.


  9. #9

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali

    Presentation of "The Arab Unity"

    Published by
    Culture and Party Preparation Bureau in
    The National Leadership of the Baath Party

    First - Ideological historical view:
    Historically, the unity depends on stable and continuous factors where Arabs speak the same language have the same history, the same public culture and psychological structure. In addition, to integrity and common economic interests.
    The need to the concept of unity appeared after the colonial rule that managed to weaken the national bond ties. So, the struggle for maintaining the Arab national identity intensified especially during the European occupation who shared the Ottoman Empire heritage. The western imperialist aimed at taking advantages of the division and retardation situations. And the result was the emersion of many Arab countries within the artificial borders settled by the west.
    Second-Arab unity according to the Arab political ideology:
    At the official level: All Arab constitutions which are the fundamental laws of Arab countries, confirm in their articles preface that the peoples of these countries are part of the Arab Nation, and they struggle to achieve the nation comprehensive unity .
    At the party level: The national issue gave rise to several dimensions in the Arab political parties. The most important are:
    - The local dimension: Includes parties which have a national characteristic, and which direct their activity and struggle to fulfill the national issues.
    - The regional dimension: The activity of these parties calls for the regional unity. Like, for example: The unity among (Syria- Lebanon- Jordan and Palestine) and the unity between Egypt and Sudan) …etc.
    - The religious dimension: It calls for establishing a state on a religious ground and, therefore, Islamic nation unity including the Arab Nation.
    - International dimension: Includes the communist parties that concentrate on international aspect and class struggle. These parties took into consideration Arab solidarity and Arab unity.
    - The national dimension: Parties of this dimension emphasize the Arab unity as the crucial response on division. Yet, they call for emancipation from the imperialism hegemony. One of these parties is the Baath Party, which is the first Arab party constituted ideologically and organizationally on a national base, as well as, it focuses in all its struggle phases and conferences on the Arab unity.
    Third- Arab unionist experiences:
    The unity between Egypt and Syria/1958-September 1961/:
    This unity based on the ties of history and language, but it disregarded the exigency of living and economic interests, as well as, the diversity among Arab countries, that led to the appearance of several gaps exploited by the enemies of unity, inside and outside these countries. All this open the way to the separatist forces, sustained by the foreign ones, to conspire on the unity. Thus, a military coup broke out in Syria announcing separation to put an end to the unity on 28/9/1961.
    Arab republics union/1971/: It was among Syria-Egypt and Libya but, unfortunately, it was a formal union.
    Arab Emirates union/1971/: It took the form of federalism that is a form of cooperation and approach among the Emirates. Yet, it still existed till now.
    Gulf Cooperation Council: It is a form of cooperation among the gulf countries, in order to realize coordination and integration among them.
    Arab Magreb Union /1989/: Its constitution declared the political and economic coordination among the Maghreb countries.
    The unity between the two parts of Yemen and establishing Yemen Arab Republic/1990/: It was a real unity of the two divided parts had the same circumstances, and it aroused by the popular will and returned to united Yemen. There was an attempt to defeat this unity but failed.
    Arab Cooperation Council /1989/: It failed after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
    Forth- Most important Lessons deduced by the unity experiences:
    The form of unity should fulfill the people's demands and interests. Furthermore, take into consideration the historical and cultural ties, as well as, the material benefits of people.
    The unity should be realized with an actual popular approval and on democratic bases.
    Giving more importance to the ideological and political unionist action and abide by it.


  10. #10

    Predefinito Rif: Partito Socialista Arabo Ba'ath - Comunicati Ufficiali


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