Per chi non dovesse "masticare" l'inglese-base: in Islanda: la "costituente", incaricata di redigere la nuova Costituzione, sarà composta da 31 sorteggiati tra i cittadini comuni.
Della costituente non potranno far parte i parlamentari e il Presidente, uniche eccezioni.hefico:

Gli islandesi, dopo il crac del 2008, pensano che sia in corso non solo una crisi economica, ma di sistema politico, e per questo stanno introducendo forme di democrazia partecipativa avanzata.

Insomma: le "Grandi Riforme" non le delegano più a parlamentari che rispondono al loro interesse e non a quello del Paese :gluglu:

Iceland elects ordinary folk to draft constitution

Hundreds of people are vying for the chance to be among up to 31 people who will form the Constitutional Assembly slated to convene early next year — a source of huge pride for Icelanders who have seen their egos take a beating in recent years.

"This is the first time in the history of the world that a nation's constitution is reviewed in such a way, by direct democratic process," says Berghildur Erla Bergthorsdottir, spokeswoman for the committee entrusted with organizing the Constitutional Assembly.

The constitutional assembly will be made up of 25 to 31 delegates, the final number to be determined by a gender and equality ratio. It will be made up of regular citizens elected by direct personal voting. Anyone is eligible to stand for election, with the exceptions of the president, lawmakers and the committee appointed to organize the assembly.