Visualizza Versione Completa : Il caso Riccardo Scutari, ovvero...

18-06-02, 08:43
... ovvero come la CIA convince un Siciliano di essere un "odinist white supremacist". Ovvero della manipolazione dell'estremismo di destra da parte del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale:


18-06-02, 09:02
Brüder Scweigen

Taken from a letter sent to us by Richard Scutari,

On the evening of the 29th of Sept., I went out to the rec. yard, instead of going to chow. After working out I played handball with some of the guys. When it came time for yard movement, back to the cell-blocks, we moved up to the front of the yard, waiting for them to call yard movement. We were standing on the edge of the football field when all hell broke out. I was knocked out and did not come-to until I was on a stretcher on the way to the prison hospital. I've never been knocked out before and I must admit this totally embarrasses me. They have cameras in the yard which filmed the whole thing. A guard who saw the video told me that I was hit from the blind side (I never saw it coming nor felt it when it landed) and then a group of blacks stood around me kicking away. I ended up with 5 regular stitches and 5 butterfly stitches on my face, black-eyes, a purple jaw, separated ribs, sore kidneys and bruises all over my body. It is a good thing I'm in excellent physical condition or it could have been much worse. I learned one thing from all this which should go down as words of wisdom-when you go near a football game it is no fun when they use you for the football.
Since being in the hole I learned from the guards that the way they see it the football game was over when we walked up, but there was a dispute going on over Two calls made be the officials (both White prisoners). This is what the guards figure started it all. I guess we (the handball players) walked up at the wrong moment. I was attacked almost immediately and went right to sleep causing me to miss all the fun. They had already called movement for one side of the prison so some of the prisoners had started going in by the time the action started. The count on the yard after the guards got it secured was 24 Whites and over 300 blacks. That's almost even odds if all the whites would have helped.
There are 11 other Whites in the hole with me. We have all been given incident reports for rioting. Mine reads -- "On 9-29-98, while assigned as Tower #7 officer", (this tower is almost 400 yards away from the scene) "I observed inmate Scutari 34840-080 in a group of approximately 10-15 White inmates confronting a group of approximately 75-100 black inmates before both groups began fighting each other." They have two holes here. There are over 70 blacks in the other hole who were identified on the video as throwing punches, kicks etc., during the get "Whitey" melee. I assume they all received shots for rioting also.
They have a time limit for processing disciplinary actions on incident reports. We are way past this time limit. Which can only mean that the "riot" has been turned over to the FBI to process for street charges. I imagine they will come up with some kind of hate crime to add to the rioting charge. After all, it took a lot of audacity for them 12 White racists to pick on 200 some odd misunderstood and oppressed black men.
What follows is a list of the 11 men who stood with me. I call the list an honor roll of White warriors. Some are National Socialists. Ten of us belong to our Odinist Kindred here. The other two are part of the Odinist community and have attended some of our gatherings. All are warriors in the truest sense of the word. All stuck to their ground and did not run when faced by far superior odds and all were injured by doing so. Their being and standing as warriors quite possibly saved my life. Though no one was killed I am reminded of the heroic battle at the end of the Nibelungenlied. Now each of these men is in the hole with me facing institution and possibly street charges for rioting. It is truly an honor for me to call these men, these Warriors, my friends. If it is possible to get people from our movement to send these men a short note of support/encouragement it will greatly ease the long hole time that is ahead of them and such support would be greatly appreciated by me. Their names and numbers are -

Shannon Agofsky 06267-045
Richard Christofferson 61343-065
Danny Lange 60724-065
Chris Lindholm 99858-011
Mike Miller 62184-065
Richard Miller 04223-000
Glen Robinson 43099-198
Roderic Scott Russell 98158-012
Robert Smith 98331-012
Jerimy Sneed 05270-030
Michael (Fritz) Von Ortloff 62059-065

Somehow word of this got out to the movement right away. However,

some of what got out is not accurate and I need to clear up two parts - 1.) The actual riot/fight did not last 20 minutes as was first reported. According to the men who were with m, and according to some of the guards who saw the video, it lasted less than 5 minutes. If you ever watched a pro boxing match you know just how long a 3 minute round lasts. Five minutes is a long time to be laying on the ground unconscious while a hoard of blacks are kicking you. 2.) It was mistakenly reported that the guards sat back and watched me being stomped for 20 minutes and they did not do anything. This is incorrect. There was only one guard on the yard at that time. He hit his body alarm right away and guards from all over the prison rushed to the yard. Their quick response saved my life and possibly the lives of some of the other Whites with me. We were too far outnumbered. As much as we may not like it, if we are going to tell the story, lets tell it correctly.
I am feeling fine. The stitches as well as the purple and black masks are gone. The first week was kind of rough on breathing, coughing, sneezing and laughing, but my ribs are starting to heal. In another week or so I will be as good as new.
I thank everyone for the cards and well wishes. Your caring and support means more to me than I can express.

14 Words
Richard Scutari
Bruder Schweigen P.O.W.

18-06-02, 09:36
Cari Amici, ho presentato questo caso perche' ho la sensazione che la persona in questione sia stata invischiata in situazione a lui in parte non confacente. Potrei sbagliarmi in quanto non lo conosco di persona.

In ogni caso, e' un detenuto praticamente a vita nel sistema carcerario americano. E' ovviamente, di ascendenza italiana. Ora io propongo di scrivergli e comunicargli sentimenti di solidarieta' da parte della Patria dei suoi Antenati. Nella lettera che ho inserito, descrive come sia stato picchiato all'incoscienza in carcere da un gruppo di circa 100 neri.

Tengo a precisare che non odio i neri, ne' alcun essere particolare. Ma io odio il Sistema che manipola gli esseri umani come fossero marionette. Le "marionette" lo spaccheranno in due, e in diecimila.

Non so se l'indirizzo sia il corrente - se amici hanno tempo, che facciano una ricerca su internet su "Richard" + "Scutari" + "14 words".

Scriviamogli, in gruppo, e se e' disposto ad accettare la sua ascendenza italiana, diamogli solidarieta' di sangue - Mediterraneo - apolitico - superpolitico - prepolitico.

PS: cautela con i white supremacists americani - sono spesso mossi da altro di quello che si penserebbe - sono spesso controllati da altro.


Tomás de Torquemada
19-06-02, 21:40

Tomás de Torquemada
19-06-02, 21:47

Ringrazio white_rage per la segnalazione del caso, davvero molto interessante...