Visualizza Versione Completa : Shinto e visione del sesso in Giappone

16-08-06, 13:50
Da come la vedo io,nello scinto nn e“cosi chiara la distinzione tra puro e impuro e sopratutto nello scinto nn esiste ninete che sia peccato,dal punto di vista morale.
Se si pensa al Bushido,che in parole povere nn e“nient altro che l arte di uccidere, si comprende facilmente come il concetto di omicidio,condannato in tutte le culture e religioni,in Giappone non solo nn e“moralmente deprecabile ma anzi viene elevato al rango di arte.Una morte onorevole e“quello che cerca(cercava)il giapponese,l ideale sacro a cui un uomo si dovrebbe votare.(vedi harakiri e kamikaze)

Il concetto di moralita“nella cultura giapponese e“cambiato spesso nel corso delle varie epoche.Non era moralmente deprecabile fare a gara a chi uccidesse piu cinesi(a NAnchino nel 43) e neanche stuprare le bambine o i bambini.
A questo riguardo meriterebbe anche un discorso sulla pedofili,che in Giappone e condannata solo superficialmente.A prescindere che l eta x fare sesso in Giappone e“verso i 13 anni,fenomeni come la prostituzione minorile di stuidentesse(enjo kosai),i giornaletti con foto di Preteen in costume da bagno e i dvd venduti liberamente dove si vedono bambini(6-10anni),ragazzine(10-13anni)adolescenti in costume,abiti intimi o qlc volta anche nudi(in spiaggia)..
Tra l altro anche la famosa attrice Chiaki Kuriyama(kill bill,battle royale)ha fatto dei nudi a 13 anni molto popolari in Giappone..
sara`che la mancanza totale di tabu“(nel sesso) renda i giapponesi in questo senso piu spregiudicati?

stuart mill
16-08-06, 14:12
post molto interessante... purtroppo sui nippo so solo quanto letto in samurai di Arena e i 5 anelli di musashi... non molto altro.

qui 2 eccellenti discussioni sul forum pagano sullo shinto:
http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/...ad.php?t=62558 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/showthread.php?t=62558)

http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/...t=62558&page=2 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/showthread.php?t=62558&page=2)

benvenuto su questo forum. :)

a breve magari aggiungo alcune considerazioni, attingendo alla mia non vasta conoscenza.

stuart mill
16-08-06, 14:18
riporto da una vecchia discussione:

VOL. I. 1 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_81)

PREFACE. 2 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_82)

I 3 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_83) Yasumaro 4 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_84) say: 5 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_85)
Now when chaos had begun to condense, but force and [4] form were not yet manifest, and there was nought named, nought done, who could know its shape? 6 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_86) Nevertheless Heaven and Earth first parted, and the Three Deities performed the commencement of creation; the Passive and Active Essences then developed, and the Two Spirits became the ancestors of all things. 7 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_87) Therefore 8 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_88) did he enter obscurity and emerge into light, and the Sun and Moon were revealed by the washing of his eyes; he floated on and plunged into the sea-water, and Heavenly and Earthly Deities appeared through the ablutions of his person? 9 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_89) So in the dimness of the great commencement, we, by relying on the original teaching, learn the time of the conception of the earth and of the birth of islands; in the remoteness of the original beginning, we, by trusting the former sages, perceive the era of the genesis of Deities and of the establishment of men. 10 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_90) Truly do we know that a mirror was hung up, that [5] jewels were spat out, and that then an Hundred Kings succeeded each other; that a blade was bitten, and a serpent cut in pieces, so that a Myriad Deities did flourish. 11 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_91) By deliberations in the Tranquil River the

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[paragraph continues] Empire was pacified; by discussions on the Little Shore the land was purified. 12 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_92) Wherefore His Augustness Ho-no-ni-ni-gi 13 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_93) first descended to the Peak of Takachi, 14 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_94) and the Heavenly Sovereign Kamu-Yamato 15 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_95) did traverse the [6] Island of the Dragon-Fly. 16 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_96) A weird bear put forth its claws, and a heavenly sabre was obtained at Takakura. 17 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_97) They with tails obstructed the path, and a great crow guided him to Yeshinu. 18 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_98) Dancing in rows they destroyed the brigands, and listening to a song they vanquished the foemen. 19 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_99) Being instructed in a dream, he was reverent to the Heavenly and Earthly Deities, and was therefore styled the Wise Monarch, 20 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_100) having gazed on the smoke, he was benevolent to the black-haired people, and is therefore remembered as the Emperor-Sage. 21 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_101) Determining the frontiers and civilising the country, he issued laws from the Nearer Afumi; 22 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_102) reforming the [7] surnames and selecting the gentile names, he held sway at the Further Asuka. 23 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_103) Though each differed in caution and in ardour, though all were unlike in accomplishments and in intrinsic worth, yet was there none who did not by contemplating antiquity correct manners that had fallen to ruin, and by illumining modern times repair laws that were approaching dissolution. 24 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_104)
In the august reign of the Heavenly Sovereign who governed the Eight Great Islands from the Great Palace of Kiyomihara at Asuka, 25 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_105) the Hidden Dragon put on perfection, the Reiterated Thunder came at the appointed moment. Having heard a song in a dream, he felt that he should continue the succession; having reached the water at night, he knew that he should receive the inheritance. Nevertheless Heaven's time was not yet, and he escaped like the cicada to the Southern Mountains;

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both men and matters were favourable, and he marched like the tiger to the Eastern Land. Suddenly riding in the Imperial Palanquin, he forced his way across mountains and rivers: the Six Divisions rolled like thunder, the Three Hosts sped like lightning. The erect spears lifted up their might, and the bold warriors arose like smoke: the crimson flags glistened among the weapons, and the ill-omened crew were shattered like tiles. Or ere a day had elapsed, the evil influences were purified: forthwith were the cattle let loose and the horses given repose, as with shouts of victory they returned to the Flowery Summer; the flags were rolled up and the javelins put away, as with dances and chants they came to rest in the capital city. The year was that of the Cock, and it was in the Second Moon 26 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_106) At the Great Palace of Kiyomihara did he ascend to [9] the Heavenly seat: in morality he outstripped Ken-Kō, in virtue he surpassed Shiū-Ō. Having grasped the celestial seals, he was paramount over the Six Cardinal Points; having obtained the heavenly supremacy, he annexed the Eight Wildernesses. He held the mean between the Two Essences, 27 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_107) and regulated the order of the Five Elements. He established divine reason herewith to advance good customs; he disseminated brilliant usages wherewith to make the land great. Moreover the ocean of his wisdom, in its vastness, profoundly investigated the highest antiquity; the mirror of his heart, in its fervour, clearly observed former ages.
Hereupon the Heavenly Sovereign commanded, saying: "I hear that the chronicles of the emperors and likewise the original words in the possession of the various families deviate from exact truth, and are mostly amplified by

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empty falsehoods. If at the present time these imperfections be not amended, ere many years shall have elapsed, the purport of this, the great basis 28 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_108) of the country, the grand foundation of the monarchy, will be destroyed. So now I desire to have the chronicles of the emperors selected and recorded, and the old words examined and ascertained, falsehoods being erased and the truth deter. mined, in order to transmit [the latter] to after ages." 29 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_109) At that time there was a retainer whose surname was Hiyeda and his personal name Are. He was twenty-eight years old, and of so intelligent a disposition that [10] he could repeat with his mouth whatever met his eyes, and record in his heart whatever struck his ears. 30 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_110) Forthwith Are was commanded to learn by heart the genealogies of the emperors, and likewise the words of former ages. Nevertheless time elapsed and the age changed, and the thing was not yet carried out. 31 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_111)
Prostrate I consider how Her Majesty the Empress, having obtained Unity, illumines the empire,--being versed in the Triad, nourishes the people. 32 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_112) Ruling from the Purple Palace, Her virtue reaches to the utmost limits of the horse's hoof-marks: dwelling amid the Sombre Retinue, Her influence illumines the furthest distance attained to by vessels' prows. The sun rises, and the brightness is increased; the clouds disperse, neither is there smoke. Never cease the historiographers from recording the good omens of connected stalks and double rice-ears; never for a single moon is the treasury without the tribute of continuous beacon-fires and repeated interpretations. In fame She must be pronounced superior to Bum-Mei, in virtue more eminent than Ten-Itsu. 33 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_113) Hereupon, 34 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_114) regretting the errors in the old words, and

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wishing to correct the misstatements in; the former chronicles, She, on the eighteenth day of the ninth month of the fourth year of Wa-do 35 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_115) commanded me Yasumaro to select and record the old words learnt by heart by Hiyeda no Are according to the Imperial Decree, and dutifully to lift them up to Her. 36 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_116)
In reverent obedience to the contents of the Decree, I have made a careful choice. But in high antiquity both speech and thought were so simple, that it would be difficult to arrange phrases and compose periods in the characters. 37 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_117) To relate everything in an ideographic transcription would entail an inadequate expression of the meaning; to write altogether according to the phonetic method would make the story of events unduly lengthy. 38 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_118) For this reason have I sometimes in the same sentence used the phonetic [12] and ideographic systems conjointly, and have sometimes in one matter used the ideographic record exclusively. Moreover where the drift of the words was obscure, I have by comments elucidated their signification; but need it be said that I have nowhere commented on what was easy? 39 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_119) Again, in such cases as calling the surname http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/img/00500.jpg (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/img/00500.jpg) Kusaka, and the personal name written with the character http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/img/00501.jpg (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/img/00501.jpg) Tarashi, I have followed usage without alteration. 40 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_120) Altogether the things recorded commence with the separation of Heaven and Earth, and conclude with the august reign at Woharida. 41 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_121) So from the [13] Deity Master-of-the-August-Centre-of-Heaven down to His Augustness Prince-Wave-Limit-Brave-Cormorant-Thatch-Meeting-Incompletely makes the First Volume; from the Heavenly Sovereign Kamu-Yamato-Ihare-Biko down to the august reign of Homuda makes the Second Volume; from the Emperor Oho-Sazaki down to the

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great palace of Woharida makes the Third Volume. 42 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_122) Altogether I have written Three Volumes, which I reverently and respectfully present. 43 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_123) I Yasumaro, with true trembling and true fear, bow my head, bow my head.
Reverently presented by the Court Noble Futo no Yasumaro, an Officer of the Upper Division of the Fifth Rank and of the Fifth Order of Merit, on the 28th day of the first moon of the fifth year of Wa-dō. 44 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kj/kj007.htm#fn_124)

http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/index.htm (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/redirect.php?url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/index.htm)

16-08-06, 15:40
post molto interessante... purtroppo sui nippo so solo quanto letto in samurai di Arena e i 5 anelli di musashi... non molto altro.

qui 2 eccellenti discussioni sul forum pagano sullo shinto:
http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/...ad.php?t=62558 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/showthread.php?t=62558)

http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/...t=62558&page=2 (http://www.politicaonline.net/forum/showthread.php?t=62558&page=2)

benvenuto su questo forum. :)

a breve magari aggiungo alcune considerazioni, attingendo alla mia non vasta conoscenza.
adesso devo uscire,ci si vede dopo!