Visualizza Versione Completa : diritti musulmani maggiori dei diritti LGBT

23-07-15, 17:06

dai commenti: I get it. Gay rights are not universal. They do not apply in Muslim areas.Is that what the leftists are saying?
So then the next questions are; Where else are gay rights not included? If Muslims can create "non-gay areas", can Christians? If not, why not?
Leftists have a little bit of clarification to do on this issue.
By the way, this is an excellent strategy for the Swedish Democrats. This clearly shows the intellectual cesspool of the progressive fools.

23-07-15, 18:58
Ma ragazzi nn ce nessuno? Qui cm bisogna agire?

Crescenzo Garofalo
23-07-15, 20:10
Non ho capito il senso del messaggio?

I gay sono razzisti perché hanno organizzato una parata nei luoghi musulmani?