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Discussione: Revisionismo

  1. #21
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Robert FAURISSON

    26 mars 2009

    De R. Faurisson en 1980 à R. Williamson et J.-M. Le Pen en 2009

    L’un de mes correspondants étrangers vient de me faire savoir qu’il souhaitait entendre dans son intégralité mon interview, par Ivan Levaï, du 17 décembre 1980 sur l’antenne d’Europe n°1.

    On peut écouter cette interview en cliquant sur

    Quant à la transcription des propos, on la trouve dans mes Ecrits révisionnistes (1974-1998), aux pages 241-247. On constatera qu’y figure ma « phrase de soixante mots » sur « les prétendues chambres à gaz hitlériennes et le prétendu génocide des juifs ».

    Dans les années qui ont suivi cette interview, I. Levaï a plusieurs fois déclaré que, s’il avait commis une faute dans sa carrière de journaliste, c’était de m’avoir accordé la parole ce 17 décembre 1980 ; en revanche, ce qu’il n’a jamais précisé, c’est que, la veille ou l’avant-veille de l’interview, il avait reçu à l’antenne Jean Pierre-Bloch, lequel avait alors tranquillement affirmé que j’étais « payé par Khadafi ». Aussi, Pierre Guillaume, prenant contact avec I. Levaï, avait-il alors prévenu ce dernier qu’à moins de me voir accorder un droit de réponse j’allais déposer plainte en justice. I. Levaï avait donc dû plier et, à son corps défendant, m’offrir une sorte de droit de réponse.

    La loi antirévisionniste Fabius-Gayssot n’existait pas encore en 1980 et elle n’allait être publiée au Journal officiel de la République française que le 14 juillet 1990 mais, soit pour cette interview, soit pour mes écrits, j’allais être condamné à de multiples reprises.

    Aujourd’hui, en 2009, les magiques chambres à gaz nazies, à l’instar du quasi-cadavre d’Ariel Sharon, ne sont plus maintenues en vie que de manière artificielle.

    Dans la récente affaire Williamson, les médias du monde occidental s’en sont pris violemment à l’évêque révisionniste mais pas un seul d’entre eux ne lui a fait la réponse qui s’imposait : « Vous ne croyez pas aux chambres à gaz nazies ? Voici pourtant la photo d’une telle chambre à gaz, que les touristes peuvent visiter à Auschwitz ou dans tel autre camp ! ». Et personne non plus n’a tenté de lui donner la réplique en lui montrant le moindre document. Seule Beate Klarsfeld lui a suggéré, sans autre précision, de lire l’ouvrage monumental du pharmacien français Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz : technique and operation of the gas chambers, édité en 1989 par... la Beate Klarsfeld Foundation de New York. Mais il ne s’agissait là de sa part que d’esbroufe médiatique car B. Klarsfeld ne pouvait ignorer qu’en 1995, soit six ans plus tard, l’auteur avait renié sa thèse et qu’il a fini par écrire que, « pourri » par trop de mensonges, le dossier de l’histoire de l’extermination des juifs était voué « aux poubelles de l’histoire ». J.-C. Pressac a daté du 15 juin 1995 le texte de cette rétractation, texte qui n’a été rendu public qu’en 2000 par l’historienne orthodoxe Valérie Igounet dans son Histoire du négationnisme en France, Seuil, p. 651-652.

    J.-C. Pressac est mort le 23 juillet 2003, à l’âge de 59 ans, sans avoir été jamais poursuivi en justice.

    Pour sa part, Jean-Marie Le Pen vient de répéter que les chambres à gaz sont un détail de l’histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale. En fait, ces prétendus abattoirs chimiques sont moins qu’un détail puisque, aussi bien, ils sont dépourvus de toute réalité matérielle, mais la violence des réactions suscitées par la récidive de J.-M. Le Pen montre que celui-ci a porté atteinte au plus formidable tabou religieux de notre temps.

    Il serait piquant de le voir rétorquer à ses adversaires qu’il s’étonne de leur indignation : que diable faisaient ces gens ou leurs amis du temps où J.-C. Pressac, le protégé du couple Klarsfeld, parlait, lui, des chambres à gaz comme de mensonges promis aux poubelles de l’histoire ? Comment expliquer que personne n’ait élevé de protestation ni réclamé de poursuites ?

    On peut souhaiter que J.-M. Le Pen décide un jour de quitter la vie publique sur une déclaration révisionniste comparable à celles du président iranien Ahmadinejad. Il passerait à l’histoire comme le premier homme politique d’importance qui, en Occident, aurait dit la vérité sur le plus grand mensonge international des temps modernes.

    Pour ma part, je souhaite qu’avec Bruno Gollnisch il se décide enfin à franchir le Rubicon.

  2. #22
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Hungary plans to penalize Holocaust denial

    BUDAPEST, Hungary, April 20 (UPI) -- Hungary's Cabinet education and culture minister asked deputies in Parliament to pass a bill to make denying the Holocaust punishable by law.

    Istvan Hiller, the education and culture minister, told the lawmakers Monday the Holocaust denial is a crime in many European countries, adding there are questions about which there is no room for compromise, the Hungarian news agency MTI reported.

    Hiller said a democratic duty is to condemn Holocaust denial.

    Hundreds of far-right activists, many of them sporting uniforms similar to Nazi ones, demonstrated "against Zionist rule" and in favor of Holocaust denial in the streets of Budapest Saturday.

    On Sunday, Ildiko Lendvai, leader of the Hungarian Socialist party, said the Saturday demonstrators were Nazis. She said Holocaust denial should not happen in any European country without punishment, MTI reported.

  3. #23
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Le 21/04/09 , « Hossein Amiri » <> a écrit :

    Dear my friend

    I need your points of view about Ahmadi-Nejad's speech In Geneva.

    I also ask you send this to your colleagues around and ask them to send me theirs?

    I need view of all Revisionists on that so soon.


    I admire President Ahmadinejad. What he said on the Zionist state being a racist state cannot be refuted. “Israel” is, in effect, a racist state with an apartheid wall and “colonies”. It is built on a gigantic historical lie, that of the “Holocaust” or “Shoa” (the alleged genocide of the European Jews and the alleged homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz and other places).

    I am told that President Ahmadinejad intended to say also that West had used “the ambiguous and dubious question of the Holocaust” and that, finally, he decided to drop the matter. If such is the case, I am sorry for him and for us, revisionists, but, at the same time, it would be one more proof that nowadays, decidedly, only one religion is sacred for Ben Ki-Moon’s ONU: the Holocaust religion, which is in fact a swindle and a hoax.

    Dear Mr Hossein Amiri, thank you for giving us the opportunity to express freely our opinion.

    Professor Robert Faurisson (France), 21 April 2009

  4. #24
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

  5. #25
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Se non sapete il tedesco potete usare un traduttore web.
    Peggio che in Germania: continua l'inquisizione

  6. #26
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Dal sito
    lunedì 27 aprile 2009

    Un video per l'anniversario di Zündel

    Un affezionato sostenitore tedesco di Ernst Zündel ha realizzato, per l’anniversario del suo 70° compleanno, un breve video (3:11) in suo onore nel quale ha anche voluto aggiungere dei sottotitoli in francese. Il video si trova all’indirizzo seguente:

    Su YouTube:

    Per scaricarlo:

  7. #27
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    By way of reply to Irving's present stance of a "Holocaust without Hitler, somewhere out East", see Carlo Mattogno's recent work presented at

    <<Autre révisionniste italien, le dernier peut-être qui continue à labourer les archives, Carlo Mattogno décrit la cadre qu'avaient fixé les nazis pour réorganiser l'espace laissé libre par la retraite de l'Armée Rouge, le "plan général pour l'Est" et constate qu'il n'est pas possible d'y trouver trace d'une politique d'extermination quelconque. Pas de bol pour les couineurs.

    "Another Italian revisionist, perhaps the last one who continues to dig through the archives, Carlo Mattogno describes the framework the Nazis had set to reorganise the space left free by the Red Army's retreat, the "general plan for the East", and notes that it is not possible to find a trace of any extermination policy. Tough luck for the whiners.">>


    For my part I'm inclined to wonder whether Irving himself ever bothers to read what revisionists write about "the Holocaust".

    He writes [April 10] curtly to me, avoiding any substance:

    Please keep me out of your squabbles

    David Irving
    (now back home in Windsor, England)


    I point out:

    One might be forgiven for thinking you'd been assigned the mission of salvaging the hoax, with Hitler exculpated but Germany still quite guilty (2.4 million exterminees). A mission for which, given your material situation, you'd seem to have been rather well remunerated.

    I point out as well that, for instance, in France "holocaust deniers" are not put up in mansions in Versailles.

    I suggest you offer a few rooms in yours to the French revisionist Vincent Reynouard, father of seven (soon eight), currently on the run from the thought police [for having written the brochure at]


  8. #28
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Written apology over holocaust denial
    ABC News, Posted 3 hours 35 minutes ago

    A man who breached Federal Court orders to remove website material which denied the holocaust has issued a written apology.

    Fredrick Toben, 65, was found guilty of 24 charges of contempt for breaching orders not to publish material vilifying Jewish people on his Adelaide Institute website.

    At a hearing in Adelaide on the penalty he should receive, Toben said he would submit to censorship.

    He provided a written apology through his lawyer.

    The court heard Toben had previously said he would rather go to jail on principle than pay a fine.

    But Toben told the court he unreservedly apologised for his breaches of court orders and would not withdraw his apology as he had in the past.

    Judge Bruce Lander said it was clear Toben did not have the money to pay a fine or the legal costs of the senior member of Australia's Jewish community, Jeremy Jones, who instigated the proceedings.

    But Judge Lander expressed concern Toben could breach the orders again if he felt he had been provoked.

    The judge said Toben did not seem to understand that the case was not scrutinising his beliefs or determining whether the holocaust happened.

    The court will impose a sentence later.

    Frederick Toben: written apology over website material (ABC News)


    Dr Fredrick Toben apologises to Federal Court


    April 28, 2009 04:15pm

    A "REVISIONIST historian" who published offensive material saying the Holocaust was exaggerated has apologised - and compared himself to dying Jewish billionaire Richard Pratt.

    Dr Fredrick Toben was this month found guilty of 24 counts of contempt of court.

    He "wilfully and contumaciously" breached Federal Court orders to stop publishing articles implying Jewish people offended by Holocaust denial were of "limited intelligence".

    He was further banned from claiming some Jewish people "exaggerated" the Holocaust "for improper motives".

    Today, Toben's sentencing submissions were derailed by a comment he published on his website hours earlier.

    "Richard Pratt gets an indulgence, will Toben get the same?" his message asks.

    "What does this tell us about the Australian judicial system?"

    Federal prosecutors this week dropped deception charges against Pratt because of his ill-health.

    Giving evidence, Toben said he "unequivocably apologised" for breaching the court's orders.

    "I would be the last one to challenge the system," he said.

    "I've tried to follow the orders to the best of my ability ... the court orders do not make sense to me."

    Robin Margo, SC, who is pursuing the contempt charge, asked Toben to explain the website message.

    "These are very, very difficult cases for judges to make decisions on," Toben said.

    "If a man is sick I fully understand he should not be brought to court.

    "(Retired Federal Court judge) Marcus Einfeld, who was sick, did not receive any indulgence, Pratt did, and now there is me."

    Mr Margo asked if Toben was aware both Pratt and Einfeld – who was jailed for perverting the course of justice – were Jewish.

    "Are you feeling persecuted?" Toben said.

    "It's got nothing to do with being Jewish or non-Jewish, we're dealing here with justice."

    Judge Bruce Lander will sentence Toben on a date to be set.

    Comments cannot be published for legal reasons

    Fredrick Toben outside court today. Picture: Calum Robertson,00.html


    Holocaust revisionist 'not afraid of jail'

    The Independent Weekly, 28/04/2009 4:27:00 PM

    After serving time in Germany and being held in custody in Britain, holocaust revisionist Fredrick Toben says he doesn't fear going to jail in Australia because of his views.

    But the 65-year-old has offered the Federal Court an apology after refusing to comply with previous orders to stop publishing racist material on his Adelaide Institute website.

    Dr Toben appeared in the court in Adelaide today for sentencing submissions after being convicted on 24 counts of contempt.

    He told the court he still considered the previous orders to be unreasonable and absurd.

    But he offered an "unreserved apology" and said he would be extremely upset if his actions had offended the judge.

    Dr Toben's counsel David Perkins urged the court not to send his client to jail, despite the fact that he had no money and no assets to pay a fine or to cover the costs of his prosecution.

    Justice Bruce Lander questioned what weight he could give to Dr Toben's apology, considering he had given one before and withdrawn it.

    However, he adjourned the question of penalty to a date to be fixed.

    Outside the court Dr Toben told reporters he would not be concerned if the judge sent him to jail.

    "I was prepared to be there today," he said.

    "I have no fear of prison.

    "The longer you are in jail the more innocent you become."

    But whether or not he would shut down his Adelaide Institute website was subject to legal advice, he said.

    The allegations of contempt were brought against Dr Toben by the former president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Jeremy Jones.

    Mr Jones first lodged a complaint with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission in 1996 and later applied to the Federal Court to uphold its ruling, which it did in 2002.

    But in hearings last year, counsel for Mr Jones, Robin Margo SC, told the court Dr Toben had defied its orders for six years.

    Mr Margo said the Adelaide Institute website was still publishing, (in July 2008), "virulent anti-semitic material", including that there were no death gas chambers at the Auschwitz concentration camp and that the Holocaust was "the world's filthiest blood libel".

    In his judgment earlier this month Justice Lander said Dr Toben's conduct had been wilful and he had steadfastly refused to comply with the law.

    "The courts have held, but his conduct shows he does not accept that the freedom of speech citizens of this country enjoy does not include the freedom to publish material calculated to offend, insult or humiliate or intimidate people because of their race, colour or national or ethnic origin," the judge said.

    "It is conduct that amounts to criminal contempt."

    The Federal Court ruling came after Dr Toben fled Britain in November last year when a German bid failed to have him extradited to face charges of Holocaust denial.

    He had been arrested a month earlier at Heathrow Airport on a European warrant but a British court later ruled it invalid because it did not provide enough detail.

    German authorities vowed to continue attempts to have Dr Toben arrested in other countries.

    In 1999 Dr Toben was imprisoned for nine months at Mannheim Prison for breaching Germany's Holocaust law that prohibits anyone from defaming the dead.

  9. #29
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Dalla "libera" Austria:

    Austrian Holocaust denier sentenced to five years in jail

    Notorious Austrian Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik was sentenced to five years in prison Monday by a Vienna court that found him guilty of spreading National Socialist ideology.

    While living in Spain from the early 1990s to evade a previous Austrian prison sentence, the neo-Nazi had continued to publish National Socialist ideology in a magazine and other venues.

    "He is one of the ideological leaders of the neo-Nazi scene," prosecutor Stefan Apostol said Friday, alleging that Honsik had also passed out his publications at schools.

    Both the prosecution and the defendant plan to appeal the verdict and sentence, Austrian press agency APA reported.

    The 67-year-old defendant said he rejects "the doctrine which demonizes National Socialism," but claimed he was not a National Socialist himself.

    Honsik, who wrote the book Acquittal for Hitler? in 1988, defended himself by arguing that he did not deny the existence of all the gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps.

    After his lawyer, Herbert Schaller, pointed out that it was not Honsik but "fine and righteous foreigners" who had first denied the existence of gas chambers, the prosecutor said he would consider whether to also indict Schaller under Austria's law banning National Socialist activities.

    In 1992, an Austrian court passed an 18-month prison term against Honsik for denying the crimes committed by Hitler's regime. Before starting his sentence, Honsik fled to Spain, but he was eventually extradited in 2007.

    Another prominent Holocaust denier, the British writer David Irving, received a sentence of two years in prison and one year of probation from Austrian courts in 2006.

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    Predefinito Riferimento: Revisionismo

    Un négationniste autrichien condamné
    AFP 27/04/2009

    Un néo-nazi et négationniste autrichien, extradé d'Espagne, a été condamné lundi à cinq ans de prison ferme par la Cour d'assises de Vienne, mais il a fait appel de cette condamnation.

    Le publiciste autrichien Gerd Honsik, âgé de 67 ans, extradé d'Espagne en 2007, purge déjà une peine de 18 mois de prison prononcée il y a 17 ans pour des faits similaires commis entre 1986 et 1989 et confirmée en décembre 2007 par la Cour d'appel de Vienne.

    Il lui est reproché d'avoir récidivé dans la négation de l'existence des chambres à gaz et de l'Holocauste nazi dans des écrits publiés entre 1987 et 2003.

    A l'ouverture du procès, le Procureur, Stefan Apostol, avait souligné que Gerd Honsik n'était "pas un petit nazi quelconque, mais un chef de file du révisionnisme" dans le monde.


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